Couple asked neighbor to look after dog but didn't give him key, broke down when they got home

Pet Story

The couple went abroad for a month and asked a neighbor to take care of their dog but did not give them the key. When they got home, they had a nervous breakdown

Dogs can bring a lot of fun to the family, and the time spent with their owners can always Making people happy is one of the benefits of dogs. The appearance of a dog brings life to this cold world again.

The couple asked a neighbor to take care of their dog but didn't give him the key. When they came home, they had a nervous breakdown

While dispelling the loneliness, we They are also obliged to take care of them, especially when they are away for a long time. How to place the pets has become a problem for every dog ​​owner. Whether to let someone take care of them or let them be fostered is a very troublesome matter. things.

However, before leaving, he must take good care of his dog, instead of being like these two owners who asked a neighbor to take care of it but forgot to bring the key.

A while ago, this netizen and his wife said they wanted to take a "one trip, one trip" trip, and the trip was scheduled to take one month.

After thinking about it, netizens decided to ask the neighbors to help take care of it. It was really not possible. If they don’t take the dogs with them for a month, the neighbors only need to feed the dogs. This will not cause trouble to the neighbors and can also ensure their safety. Survival, although the quality is worse, is only temporary.

After making up their mind, the netizens went to their neighbors’ houses and made requests to them. The neighbors readily agreed. Seeing that the most difficult problem was solved, the netizens felt relieved. Second Tian left with his wife early in the morning.

Perhaps because they were too involved in playing, netizens themselves have forgotten that the time of happiness is always so short. In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed in an instant. When the two of them returned exhausted, When I got home, I saw a miserable scene. A dog was dying at home.

The couple asked a neighbor to take care of their dog but didn't give him the key. When they came home, they had a nervous breakdown

Seeing their beloved dog being killed After being beaten like this, netizens were furious. He angrily ran to his neighbor's house and questioned the neighbor. He had obviously agreed, but he didn't take good care of his dog. If he didn't want to help, he could justreject.

It turns out that this netizen only told his neighbor before going out and didn’t even give him the key. The neighbor didn’t think about it at that time, thinking that raising a dog was not difficult and he was a neighbor. , so I agreed immediately.

But no matter what, since it has been agreed, the dog cannot be allowed to starve. The neighbors have tried various methods, but the netizens have made complete preparations before going out, and they will fight no matter what. If you don’t open it, you will eventually have to give up.

After hearing the neighbor's description, netizens may also feel guilty, but he still complained that the other party did not tell him that after this incident, the two people should have completely broken up.

Fortunately, we are at home. Although there is no food, there is still water. If we were elsewhere, I would really starve to death.

We don’t know who is right or wrong when something like this happens. Since the owner didn’t give them the key, they can’t force their way in, but we can tell them and let them come back as soon as possible.

In fact, this is a very easy thing. As long as the owner is more careful and the neighbors have a stronger sense of responsibility, this kind of thing will not happen. But unfortunately, everything is in vain. In the end, the dog must be responsible for the mistakes adults make. After all, he is the most innocent one.