How abnormal is Japanese bone swimming cuisine? The meat is removed but the fish is still alive

Pet Story

Eating live fish, how cruel is Japan’s bone swimming cuisine? Many people said they felt bad after watching it!

Japan has completely stopped pretending and has begun to openly discharge nuclear sewage from Fukushima. In the past few days, nuclear wastewater from a US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier leaked near Japanese ports. These two factors have caused a shortage of Japanese seafood. Hard to sell. In order to save their own seafood market, the Japanese have started to take action again. A Japanese variety show teamed up with some restaurants to launch a new dish called "Bone Swimming Cuisine". However, what the Japanese did not expect was that the description became darker and darker. Even Americans can't stand it anymore and call the Japanese perverts!

How abnormal is the Japanese

So what’s the twist on this bone swimming dish? You’ll know after reading this, and I guarantee you won’t be able to eat anymore.

As the name suggests, bone swimming cuisine is the skeleton of the fish swimming in the water, and the meat of the fish has been removed by the chef and placed on the plate for customers to eat.

When serving food, Japanese restaurants will first place a small glass box in front of the customer, fill it with water, and then put the deboned fish bones into the water, and then serve the food. Customers can eat fish sashimi while "appreciating" the "fish bones" struggling in the water tank.

The preparation of this dish is actually very simple, but it extremely tests the chef's knife skills. If you want the fish bones to swim in the water, you cannot kill the fish. You need to preserve the nerves and a small amount of muscles of the fish, so Be extremely careful when shaving fish. If a good chef makes a bone swim dish, the fish can still move after the guests eat it!

How abnormal is the Japanese

If you put it into the perspective of a fish, it would be very scary. Most of the flesh on his body was cut off, and then he watched through the glass box as humans ate his flesh bit by bit. He was still bleeding all over his body, and he could only struggle in the water with his tail wagging, until he died of pain in the end. Fortunately, the IQ of fish is not as high as that of humans. It cannot understand this cruelty. This may be the last trace of kindness given to it by nature.

The bone swimming dishes made by the Japanese have attracted a lot of abuse from netizens around the world. What is puzzling is how the Japanese can eat it? In fact, the Japanese have already done this, but there were no reports on the Internet before.

Japan is a country that has a special liking for sashimi and pays great attention to freshness when eating sashimi. Take the sashimi bullfrog dish as an example. The bullfrog is lifted out of the water tank and is jumping around. The Japanese chef cuts dozens of cuts on the body of the bullfrog with a knife, then immerses the bullfrog in ice water to drain the blood. After pouring the sauce on it, it is ready to serve. The whole process lasted less than five minutes, and the bullfrog was still conscious before its central nervous system was severed.

When the customer was enjoying the bullfrog sashimi, the two eyes of the bullfrog were even blinking. It wanted to watch the Japanese eat itself! This dish has a history of at least several decades in Japan, and bone swimming is just a copy of it.

Some people blame Japan, saying that this sashimi is not a native Japanese dish, but came from China, so in terms of cruelty, the Chinese are the ancestors of Japan. This kind of blame-blaming statement is really confusing. Indeed, sashimi originated from China. The Chinese have eaten it for at least thousands of years. However, after the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, sashimi slowly disappeared from our dining tables.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Chen Deng liked to eat fish breasts, which are commonly known as sashimi. Because he ate too much fish shells, Chen Deng eventually contracted a parasitic disease. When he died, he vomited blood and there was still white in the blood. Parasites, since then fewer and fewer people in our country eat sashimi.

However, the Chinese will definitely kill the fish when eating sashimi. The Japanese will never understand this principle of "killing but not cruelty". Chinese people definitely won’t eat the way the Japanese do. Can you eat fish meat when you look at the fish bones swimming in the water? I'm afraid only the Japanese have no psychological burden.

How abnormal is the Japanese

Japan ranks first in the world in parasitic cases every year. The data available online is that in 1990, there were more than 16,700 cases of Anisakis parasitism in the world, and Japan alone had 16,000 cases, accounting for 99%. This may also be It's a kind of retribution.

I would like to remind everyone here that you should never eat raw food when going to Japan. Don’t think that marine fish will be fine if the number of parasites is small. Which one would you choose between a 30% infection rate and a 10% infection rate? Wise people don't make choices and don't play with their own lives.

Current experiments show that freezing at minus 20°C for 7 days can kill most parasites, but there is a problemThe Japanese are famous for fake products around the world. Some time ago, it was revealed that the bacteria in hot springs in Japan exceeded the legal limit by 3,700 times. Previously, their officials claimed that the water in Japanese hot springs was changed once a day and was very safe. Will such a nation make sashimi strictly in accordance with safety standards? I think a big question mark needs to be placed.

Now there are not only parasites but also radioactive substances in Japanese seafood. In a few years we may still see mutated parasites.

After the bone swimming cuisine overturned, Japan does not know what kind of cruel things will happen. But we need to know that the character of this nation is that they know small etiquette but no great righteousness. They write all their morality on their faces and put all the bad water in their stomachs.

It can be said that "there is no better son than a father". "The Chrysanthemum and the Knife" written by an American illustrates that the Japanese nation very much advocates mourning for things. Simply put, the Japanese like the work of the underworld very much. They believe that There is a special beauty in the death of things. Eating sashimi and watching the half-dead fish struggling in the water after being shaved is a very enjoyable thing for the Japanese. It can be said that there is no other such cruel and perverted nation in the world.