I bought a max-size dress online for Orange Cat, and the owner burst out laughing after putting it on!

Pet Story

A pet owner has an orange cat. Every time others see his cat, they will exclaim, it really deserves to be an orange cat! His orange cat is not only fat, he is also always the fattest among the many fat orange cats. The owner is also very helpless. After all, his orange cat is really good at eating and sleeping!

 I bought a maximum size dress for Orange Cat online, and after putting it on, the owner burst into laughter!

Pamper The owner was envious that other cats could wear cute little clothes, but every time she looked online, she never found the code of her own cat, which troubled her for a long time. When she was browsing online again that day, something suddenly happened to her. The pet clothes attracted it because it was marked: Large size pet clothes for orange cats!

As soon as the owner saw it, he immediately ordered one for his orange cat. When the express came back a few days later, the owner couldn’t wait to take it apart for the cat and try it on. After putting it on, the owner saw the result. , burst into laughter instantly! This dress really looks fat!

And even the largest size clothes look like tights when worn on his cat. This guy is so fat that you can’t even see him. Only his small face can still deceive people, Master. Looking at my orange pig, I want to lose weight for it again...

I bought a max-size dress for Orange Cat online, and the owner burst into laughter after putting it on!

Afterwards, the pet owner shared photos of his cat on the Internet, and netizens also laughed and said: "The pet owner may raise pigs at home! I won't admit it. This is a cat!" "Hahaha, it's really fat! I admire the owner!" "We must put the big orange first!"