I thought it was dirty ice, but it turned out that the kitten was frozen

Pet Story

Europe and the United States have been devastated by heavy snowstorms in the past few months. Everything has been frozen and covered with a layer of icicles, and Ohio, the United States, is no exception; Dara Taylor was commuting in Ohio and found a piece of ash on the road. At first, I thought the gray thing was ice cubes formed by freezing dirty water. Unexpectedly, when I got out of the car, I saw that it was a kitten frozen in ice...

Thought it was dirty ice, but it turned out that the kitten was frozen The cat was frozen

This fact scared Taylor half to death! She hurriedly picked up the kitten, and she could still feel the rapid heartbeat and constant low meowing in her hands. Although her eyes could not open at all, she was so lucky that this kitten did not give up its will to live! So Taylor rushed the 5-month-old kitten to the Animal Protection Center Friendship Animal Protective League (FAPL) for emergency treatment.

FAPL staff hurriedly defrosted it and tried their best to thaw it. They tried their best to warm it up. The rescuers said that the kitten's eyes were infected and could not open, but after a period of treatment, they could still see. What they found incredible was that even in the cold northern Ohio, the kitten could still see. I have not seen any frozen cats on the roadside, so I guess it may not be a stray cat.

FAPL gave this poor frozen kitten a name that suits it, "Frosty", just as "frosty" as when they met it. After being treated for a respiratory infection and an eye infection, Frosty has regained his vitality and become a beautiful and clinging male cat, waiting for his destiny.