Living strong despite injuries, the unloved stray orange cat becomes stronger in the face of adversity

Pet Story

There is no doubt about the cuteness of pets, and it is precisely because of their cuteness that more and more people like them and start to keep them. However, what many people don’t know is that behind their cuteness, they need to constantly invest time, energy, and money to take care of them and accompany them. Even nowadays, many people say frankly that raising a pet may not be much different from raising a child in terms of time investment and financial investment!

Standing alive despite injuries, the unloved stray orange cat becomes stronger in the face of adversity

However, many people only see the splendor of raising them, and are also confused by the beautiful moments they bring to people. Before taking these cats and dogs home, many would-be poop owners often ignore the various changes they need to face after raising them, as well as the various efforts required afterwards. Just relying on wishful thinking, I believe that the pets I keep will be as full of happiness and beauty as other shit-sweepers show people. So, without knowing anything about it, he took these cats and dogs back...

As a result, the number of stray animals is increasing today. , and every pet species that is currently loved by people will soon have more and more stray animals. However, in the face of this situation, many people just laugh it off and don't care at all. So, slowly, as more and more stray animals appeared, people's attitude towards these stray animals became worse and worse, and the injuries became more frequent as their number increased.

Standing alive despite injuries, the unloved stray orange cat becomes stronger in the face of adversity

Therefore, nowadays, although many stray animals are not much different from pets in nature, even some stray animals, as long as they are taken care of a little, their appearance is not inferior to any pets. However, as it rummaged through the garbage again and again, looking for food, and struggled desperately after being injured again and again, itTheir appearance is slowly being buried, their cuteness is no longer noticed by people, and even their lives are slowly becoming irrelevant in people's eyes... And they can only struggle desperately, trying to make themselves Become stronger and survive in adversity...

Fortunately, as more and more people pay attention to the current situation of stray animals, more and more people are also encountering them. Be willing to lend a helping hand to stray animals in need. Although most people may not be able to directly bring them home when they are wandering, you can give them some help when they need it, provide them with some food and water, and then help them contact some people who really help them. Of volunteers, I believe most people are still willing to provide. And it is precisely because of such a group of people that many stray animals are able to return to people and show people their various abilities and beauty...

There is a kind-hearted person who often rescues stray animals. Brother, this day, this little brother received a message asking for help from a kind-hearted local netizen. Netizens informed me that there was an injured stray cat near their community. The netizen said that the cat looked young and was a small orange cat, but it had been wandering near their community for some time. At the same time, netizens also told me that this little orange cat had a very bad life when it was wandering nearby. Every once in a while, some new scars would appear on its body. However, these not only did not defeat it, but instead made it worse. It gets stronger.

Standing alive despite injuries, the unloved stray orange cat becomes stronger in the face of adversity

However, when netizens discovered this little orange cat again recently, they discovered that one of its legs was lame. Because they didn’t know what happened to it, the person asking for help couldn’t get close to the cat smoothly. In desperation, the person asking for help could only contact the little brother, hoping that the little brother could come to the scene and help this strong kitten. After receiving the message for help from netizens, the little brother came to the scene as soon as possible. The subsequent arrest process was also surprisingly smooth. Under the temptation of the little brother's cat food, the cat quickly trusted the little brother and was successfully put into the flight box by the little brother.

After catching the cat, the little brother immediately took the cat to the pet hospital. After arriving at the pet hospital, after some examination by the pet doctor, they found that the cat's lame leg had developed pus. Therefore, the pet doctor immediately helped the cat perform a simple debridement surgery. After cleaning the abscess on the cat's leg, the cat's condition improved immediately. However, in order to better take care of this cat, IIt was decided to leave the cat at the pet hospital first, wait for its injury to stabilize, then take it away, and then help it find an owner willing to take care of it. After placing the cat, the little brother went to the next place for help without stopping...