Pig Island, the second in a series of magical islands occupied by animals

Pet Story

The island's official name is Big Major Cay, but people prefer to call it "Pig Island." This is a small uninhabited island in the Exumas (Bahamas) region, home to dozens of unique piglets. These pigs are unusual in that they can swim in water and love to swim. It is for this reason that the island is called "Pig Island".

This true "pig paradise" is protected from tropical storms by a larger island and is entirely dedicated to the adorable piggies. No humans live here, unless tourists come with delicious food.

Pig Island: A Magical Island Occupied by Animals Series 2

About how the pigs first arrived Big Major Cay Of the island, we know very little, which is why the history of these little pigs is accompanied by different legends. According to one theory, the piglets were transported to the island by pirates, and the animals were left here as strategic supplies... just in case they were needed, you know. But the "unfortunate need" never came: the pirates never came back, but the piglets adapted to their new living environment, lived on the island and multiplied ever since.

Another theory is that a shipwreck occurred near the island of Big Major Cay. This one carried a variety of cargo, including piglets. Unfortunately the ship hit a rock and these animals became the only surviving "passengers". Since the piglets are good at swimming in water, they reach the coast and make their home there.

However, the most authentic version is that it came from a nearby island in the 1990s. Stanial Cay pig farmer brings piglets to Big Major Cay island. The pigs were driven from the inhabited island to the uninhabited island due to repeated complaints from local residents about the unpleasant smell emanating from the barns. in Big Major Cay Island, the piglets do not bother anyone and enjoy better and more pleasant living conditions.

Pig Island: A Magical Island Occupied by Animals Series 2

One day, when people discovered that pigs appeared on the previously uninhabited island, residents of neighboring islands began to sail there by boat to feed them. So when a boat passes nearby, the piglets jump into the water and swim towards the food that's about to be delivered.

Isn’t this the only way pigs can be happy? Own a private island, surrounded by sunshine and beaches...