Shit shovelers who feed Bernese Mountain Dogs, keep these four points in mind

Pet Story

In the past, people kept dogs, mostly for guarding or grazing. Nowadays, many people keep dogs for the sake of their company, or to help us accompany the elderly and children. So what kind of dog is suitable for companionship? In fact, the bernese mountain dog is a good choice. He was also very dedicated when he was a small animal, so now many friends like to raise this kind of dog. However, the feeding method of the Bernese Mountain Dog is not simple, today I will share with the poop shovelers How to Feed a Bernese Mountain Dog , hope to help you.

Poop shovelers who feed Bernese Mountain Dogs, remember these four A key point

1. Pay attention to the feeding of Bernese Mountain Dogs Time and frequency

The Bernese Mountain Dog develops relatively quickly, and generally grows into an adult dog in less than one year after birth. In order to make the Bernese Mountain Dog grow healthily and vigorously, special attention is required The number and timing of feedings during its development.

Bernese Mountain Dogs can be weaned and eat ordinary dog ​​food when they are about 6 weeks old. After weaning to 3 months of the dog, the feeding time can be fixed at 7:00 in the morning, 12:00 noon, 5:00 in the evening and 10:00 in the evening, 4 times a day; from the 4th to the 6th month of birth, it can be fed in the morning and at noon. , Feed 3 times in the evening; after 6 months, you can feed 2 times a day. (PS: The amount of food to be fed at different ages can refer to the label on the dog food packaging, and is determined according to the dog’s weight.)

2. Give Bernese Mountain Dogs more calcium supplements every day

Bo Enshan dogs are excellent dogs, but they also have their own genetic diseases. The common ones are the hypoplasia of the elbow and hip joints, so the hip joints and hind legs of old Bernese Mountain dogs are prone to problems, so it is necessary to supplement calcium for Bernese Mountain dogs daily.

Third, control the food intake of the Bernese Mountain Dog

Born MountainDogs are large dogs with a relatively large food intake. If not controlled, they are prone to overeating. Therefore, the daily food intake of the Bernese Mountain Dog should depend on its size, and it should not be overfed, and 70% to 80% full is enough. Of course, if you are worried about your Bernese Mountain Dog’s malnutrition, you can add some nutritious food, such as vitamins, to its food.

Fourth, give the Bernese Mountain Dog more food containing protein

The Bernese Mountain Dog itself is a dog with a beautiful coat, but many excrement shovelers don’t pay attention to Bernese Mountain Dog The daily diet of the mountain dog has caused the coat of the Bernese mountain dog to fall off, and it does not look so good. If you want the Bernese Mountain Dog to grow a healthy and beautiful coat, when feeding the Bernese Mountain Dog daily, give it more food containing protein. Egg yolk is a good choice, but remember not to eat too much, one or one a day Half will do. In addition, seaweed powder has certain benefits for hair, so you can choose to feed it to Bernese Mountain dogs.

Dear shit shovelers, if you want to feed a Bernese Mountain Dog well, you must keep in mind the above four points~