Take a look, take a look, you know all about how to choose a Bedlington Terrier

Pet Story

How does it feel to fail to raise a dog? Tie Xin replied: "I have a bedlington terrier at home, and I treated it like my own son, but I didn't expect to find that it was not my own, but it was a terrier!"

Little The editor is very sympathetic to this netizen's experience. I believe that this kind of thing is not only encountered by this netizen. Many dog ​​owners may also have similar experiences. Anyway, every time the editor hears about dog being cheated, I get so angry that I wish to help every dog ​​owner choose their favorite dog!

But as the saying goes, "Teaching a man to fish is worse than giving him a fish", so I still hope that you can master some selection skills. Then, the editor will popularize the selection method of Bedlington Terriers based on the experience of the netizen just now.

Take a look, take a look, how to choose a Bedlington Terrier Know everything

1. Body type

The Bedlington Terrier has a characteristic body shape, with a narrow and round head, thick and black nostrils, closed and tight lips, hanging ears and cheeks, small and bright eyes, and a neck. Slender and long, with flat and sloping shoulders, and a slightly curved tail, it has its own style. Even if you can’t see your eyes, you can’t stop it from being cute. The way you tilt your head and grin has a feeling of looking back and smiling, which is very flattering.

2. Look at the color

There are only two colors of Bedlington Terriers: black and brown, and they gradually change when they grow up. The change of coat color needs to go through many times, and it usually takes about one and a half years old for the color to stabilize.

Key points: black Bedlington terrier puppies, with age, the coat color will gradually show gray, blue, white and other colors; brown Bedlington terrier puppies, with age, coat color will gradually change It will gradually show yellow, sand, liver, white and other colors. And if, when you choose a Bedlington Terrier puppy, you find that the color is directly white, yellow and other light colors, it means that it is not a purebred Bedlington Terrier, like the small white Bedlington Terrier, it is very It may be strung out with poodles, but be careful.

3. Look at the terrier hair

Bedlington is a terrier dog, so he must have a terrier hair. If you don't look carefully, you generally think that the coat color of the Bedlington Terrier is the same color. In fact, if you look closely, you will find that there are two types of hair of the Bedlington Terrier: one is as thin as cotton yarn, soft, fluffy and elastic; The dark terrier hair is thicker and not very soft. when bedlington terrierWhen you take a bath, you will feel that its hair volume is very small and its hair color becomes darker. This is because its hair is very thin and has stems.

As for someone on the Internet suggesting to meet its parents before raising a Bedlington Terrier, the editor thinks this method is not very practical. Do you want to test blood or compare DNA? If the merchant is sincerely trying to cheat you, it seems difficult to tell just by meeting your parents. What do you think?