The Tutou merchant in Chengdu has raised its price three times a week, and is it almost impossible to afford Tutu?

Pet Story

On April 29, the cover news "Follow the End" reported on the "price increase of rabbit heads in Chengdu" that triggered heated discussion among netizens. At the end of April, the price of rabbit heads on the streets of Chengdu generally increased, with each rabbit head generally selling for 15 or 16 yuan. Some merchants even raised their prices three times within a week, from 12 yuan per item to 15 yuan per item. Regarding the reason for the price increase, merchants have said that it is the increase in raw material prices.

On May 23, less than a month later, many netizens reported that the price of rabbit heads had risen to 18 yuan/piece.

Chengdu Tutou merchants have raised prices three times a week, are they about to

The rabbit heads at Lao Ma Rabbit Head Shop on Chunxi Road also sell for 18 yuan/piece

The price of rabbit heads continues to increase? How have the prices of raw materials increased? When will the price fall back? The cover news reporter visited Chengdu and interviewed suppliers and the Chengdu Rabbit Industry Association.

Rabbit heads priced at 18 yuan/piece are in the minority, and most merchants still maintain the price from a month ago

Chengdu Tutou merchants have raised prices three times a week, and they are almost

Most merchants still maintain the prices they had a month ago

A few days ago, some netizens posted in Chengdu There is news that the price of Tutou has increased at an old store that has been selling Tutou for more than 20 years. This rabbit head shop located outside the West Third Ring Road posted a notice to "warn customers" on May 11, saying that in view of the recent rising prices of raw materials, the price of rabbit heads will be adjusted to 18 yuan each on May 11.

Prices increase notice from a rabbit head shop outside the West Third Ring Road

Judging from the reviews of many consumers, the price of rabbit heads in this store is generally high. In 2022 In March of this year, they sold for 15 yuan each. The reporter learned that when many rabbit head stores increased their prices at the end of April, this store did not adjust the price. The price of 15 yuan/piece has been sold until this price increase. "The price cannot be lowered in the near future." A staff member of the store told reporters.

At a Lao Ma Rabbit Head Shop on Chunxi Road in the city center, a young couple bought 5 rabbit heads, two packs of cold rabbits and a pack of cold beef, spending more than 400 yuan. Yuan. look inWhen the rabbit heads were priced at 18 yuan/piece, the lady said, "It's so expensive." She said that because she was going on a business trip, "I just happened to come across one, so I just took some with me."

Chunxi Road Yi Lao Ma's rabbit head shop also sells rabbit heads for 18 yuan/piece

The reporter noticed that the rabbit heads in this store were priced at "18 yuan/piece", and the "extra large" rabbit heads even sold for 22 yuan. /indivual. However, the store clerk said that the "extra large" rabbit head has been sold out. As for the price of "18 yuan/piece", the clerk said that it has been sold for almost two months, and the nearby directly-operated chain stores of the brand are all at this price. "It is still going up because the raw materials have increased so much that they can't even restock them. The price will also rise when the weather gets hot in summer."

Then the reporter randomly visited a shop selling rabbit heads near Chunxi Road subway station. Shops with the words "Mom Rabbit Head", the price of rabbit heads is generally between 16 yuan/piece. On a review website, the store "No. 1 in the popularity list of rabbit heads/rabbit check-ins in Chengdu" sells rabbit heads for 15 yuan each.

In Kuanzhai Alley, the price of rabbit heads in the scenic area is generally 20 yuan/piece, while in stores outside the scenic area, the price is 15 yuan/piece or 16/piece.

Chengdu Tutou merchants have raised prices three times a week, are they about to

The price of rabbit heads in the Kuanzhai Alley Scenic Area is 20 yuan per piece

The reporter also visited many stores on Yulin Street, Yulin Heng Street, and the North Second Section of the First Ring Road. The price of rabbit heads in the Kuanzhai Alley Scenic Area is 15 yuan. /unit, which is consistent with the price after the price increase a month ago.

Most merchants still maintain the prices from a month ago

The unit price of frozen rabbit heads is more than 3 yuan more expensive than in previous years, which is not unrelated to "hoarding"

The price of finished rabbit heads has increased, and merchants have pointed out that the price of raw materials has increased. How much have raw materials increased?

The reporter learned that the price of fresh rabbit heads in Chengdu Sanlian Poultry Market is currently about 35 yuan per catty. "It's almost the same as the end of April." Liu Menglin, president of the Chengdu Rabbit Industry Association, said that in April this year, the price of fresh rabbit heads did rise to a certain extent. The price per kilogram rose from about 30 yuan in March to about 34 yuan. After conversion, each fresh rabbit head costs about 8.5 yuan, which is about 2 yuan more than the same period last year.

Compared with fresh rabbit heads, the price of frozen rabbit heads has increased even more.

It is understood that most of the frozen rabbit heads in Chengdu come from Shandong. The reporter contacted a Shandong manufacturer and he admitted that the price of frozen rabbit heads has been rising since this year and reached the highest level before May Day. "At the highest point, one piece cost 890 or even 900 yuan. Calculated, the price of each frozen rabbit head is close to 10 yuan, which was only more than 6 yuan in previous years."

Why did the price increase?Some insiders admitted that on the one hand, it is related to the hot weather and the small number of rabbits; on the other hand, it is also related to "stocking up". "Many merchants actually have goods in their warehouses, but they don't want to sell them now. They want to wait until the summer peak season to sell them at a high price. Anyway, the frozen goods can be stored."

"High prices" will continue in the past two to three months. The price will have to wait until summer to drop.

For such "high prices", manufacturers also admitted that some of them "cannot be sold". This manufacturer in Shandong said that the price of frozen rabbit heads had reached the highest level before May Day, and had recently begun to drop in price. "The asking price is high, but there are few buyers. In addition, frozen products here in Shandong are more expensive, while fresh products in Chengdu are relatively cheap, so it is not easy to sell." Despite this, as a manufacturer, we do not want to lower prices at this time. "I don't want to. The more the price drops, the less people will buy it, so just stick to the stalemate."

Since fresh rabbit heads are cheaper, why should we choose frozen rabbit heads from outside the province? Liu Menglin, president of the Chengdu Rabbit Industry Association, gave reporters an account: Chengdu Sanlian Poultry Market is the largest livestock and rabbit trading farmer's market in Chengdu, and it is also the only live poultry slaughtering market in Chengdu. The daily sales volume of fresh and live rabbits here is 30,000. Only, Chengdu people "eat 300 million rabbit heads a year", "the supply simply exceeds the demand."