The adopted stray dog ​​insists on sleeping in the yard and turns petrified when it sees its owner

Pet Story

A woman "Karen" in California, USA, adopted a pit bull "Lily" through an animal shelter last year.

Karen clearly remembers the first time she saw Lily, she was hiding in the corner of the iron cage with her back to Karen and only dared to glance at Karen secretly.

From its body, Karen saw that it seemed to be afraid of facing humans. For this reason, Karen decided to take Lily home.

I thought Lily would be happier knowing that she had a new owner, but she didn’t expect that not only did she not show a happy expression, but she refused Karen’s approach.

On the way home, Lily kept leaning against the window. While the car was driving, Lily felt restless and huddled under the rear parking space, shaking.

The adopted stray dog ​​insisted on sleeping in the yard and turned petrified when he saw his owner

Karen was very distressed when she saw this and wanted to return home Everything will get better once they get home, but to Karen's surprise, when they get home, Lily doesn't want to go back into the house and just wants to stay in the yard.

Considering that Lily had been abandoned before and it lacked a sense of security, Karen could not force it to be brought back to the house at this time, so she had to take her time to calm it down.

For the next week, Karen still couldn't let Lily enter the house. She always liked to stay in the yard.

What is even more surprising is that when Lily faced the dog bowl with dog food, it seemed strange and did not dare to eat it. Karen realized that maybe it had not experienced it in her past life. Eat out of a dog bowl.

The adopted stray dog ​​insisted on sleeping in the yard and turned petrified when he saw his owner

Or Karen took out the toys prepared for it. Lily also doesn't know how to play with toys at all. She is very unfamiliar with all new things and is afraid to touch them.

Finally in the second week, one day it suddenly started raining heavily. Karen was worried that Lily would catch a cold outside in the yard, so she decided to comfort it and take it into the room.

Fortunately, after a few days of contact, Karen’s efforts were not in vain. Lily gradually let down some of her vigilance towards Karen and followed her.Inside the house.

Although it quickly found a corner to hide, this was already the greatest progress for Lily.

In order to get Lily out of the haze faster, Karen planned to take her out to meet new people and dogs every day, but she never thought that Karen would have trouble going out. She yelled at passers-by more than once. , and was afraid to hide more than once.

Karen can only take it to play with it in the yard, and often encourage and reward it to build mutual trust.

At this moment, the arrival of a teddy dog ​​"Charlie" raised by Karen's parents changed Lily a lot. Charlie was a cute and lively dog ​​who liked to hang around Lily.

The adopted stray dog ​​insisted on sleeping in the yard and turned petrified when he saw its owner

But Lily was unwilling to get close to it, and was threatened by Lily Charlie was not discouraged by the rejection. He persisted in trying to please Lily. When Lily was sad, he would quietly accompany him.

Perhaps it was the support of her companions and the love and care given by her master. After more than a year, Lily finally dared to rush to the outside world, accepted everything that life gave her, and started a new life for her.

It is unknown how long it will take for a dog to get out of the painful haze of the past, but I believe that it can fully feel the love you give it.