The dog was abused and took over the shelter, but no one dared to adopt it because of its weird temper!

Pet Story

No matter how many storms you have experienced outside, home will always be the strongest backing and a safe haven in life. We have heard similar words a lot. We may not have understood it at the time, but we always felt that this was true, but when we Only after truly experiencing it can we understand that sometimes the safe haven will collapse.

For it, which is weak and ignorant, its master is the sun in the sky. No matter what difficulties it encounters, even if it makes a mistake, it can easily get through it, because it believes that its master will not let it suffer. , if things go on like this, it will deliver its sincerity. In fact, not every dog ​​is so lucky to meet a gentle and patient owner. Maybe the purpose of raising a dog is not simple in the first place. In the eyes of some people, dogs are just playthings and free security guards. When it's good, I'll reward the stutterer, otherwise I won't bother to pay attention to it.

The dog was abused and took over the shelter as his home. No one dares to adopt him because of his weird temper!

Toro is A young pit bull, but the strange thing is that it does not have the vigor of a young man, but is lifeless. It always likes to lock itself in a cage. This is what the staff at the shelter know about Toro. He has been ignored by his owner all year round. The first half of Toro's life was anything but happy. Its previous owner was a weirdo who took the initiative to buy the dog back, but never walked it once. On the first day he took it home, the owner tied Toro up in the courtyard, surrounded by dry leaves. When it rains, it stinks to the sky, and the owner's home is just a stone's throw away.

Toro’s daily life is very boring. His owner never plays with him. Even feeding depends on his mood. He can go hungry for up to 7 days. Faced with all unfair treatment, Toro doesn't make any noise, it just "enjoys" everything in solitude. During the day, he looks at the outside world through the iron fence. Occasionally, when a dog passes by, Toro will make a few strange barks, as if he is crying about his fate. At night, when it is dark outside, Toro will turn his attention to the people in the house. Master, it's a pity that the other party has never seen it once.

After experiencing these encounters, Toro has become insensitive. Later, after a neighbor discovered that the owner was abusing the dog, he reported the owner. In this way, Toro also came to the shelter, where he experienced Arriving at happiness, the air of freedom and joy fascinates it. Although the shelter is a place for stray dogs and has its own cage and bed, how can it compare with the environment at home? The dogs here are eager to leave. Whenever someone comes to see the dogs, they immediately rush to express themselves in order to find a home as soon as possible.

Toro is just the opposite, he likes to containThe most familiar person among them is the staff member Melissa, who is the volunteer responsible for taking care of Toro. When she first saw the dog, Melissa also felt very strange. Toro quickly adapted to life in the shelter. He has always been obedient and actively cooperated with the staff. However, Melissa soon discovered the clues. It is true that Toro will not resist, but he will not do anything else. Toro had no reaction, no matter what others said or did, he was like a piece of wood.

The dog has been abused and has taken over the shelter. No one dares to adopt him because of his weird temper!

Fortunately, Mei Lisa is a very patient person. She did not dislike Toro, but tried her best to take care of him. Finally, one day two months later, Melissa was rewarded. When she was napping in the yard, Toro quietly He rested his head on Melissa's lap and looked at her expectantly. This was the first time that Toro took the initiative to approach someone. Since then, the relationship between Melissa and Toro has become better and better, but the dogs in the shelter will eventually be adopted, which means that Melissa Lisa and Toro will definitely separate.

Sure enough, a few months later, Toro was adopted by a kind person. I originally thought that he would finally be happy, with a warm home and a loving owner. However, within a few days, the adopter... I sent Toro back because he was too dull and no one would like a dog without energy. In the future, some people wanted to adopt Toro, but after hearing about its weird temper, they all rejected it. So far, Toro has lived in the shelter for 2 years. It seems that he will have to stay there forever. Meili Sha originally wanted to adopt Toro, but there were already many dogs at home.

Although he failed to have a home again, for Toro, the shelter is his home. It is warmer than the cold iron cage, and there are many interesting friends. The most important thing is, The entire staff at the shelter loves him, they are Toro's family. A tutorial on raising a cat from a rich man. Poverty limited my imagination. A migrant worker cautiously entered a stray dog ​​and was sent to a shelter. He often barked to make the employees dissatisfied. He secretly took it home and brutally abused it when he picked up a stray dog. He was afraid of being abandoned again. It always bites the master's trouser leg and refuses to let go.