The heroine asked the golden retriever to hold the mirror in his mouth while brushing his teeth. The golden retriever's reaction in the end made people laugh...

Pet Story

When mentioning the golden retriever, many friends will immediately think of the term "hot guy in the dog world", because the golden retriever's character is so docile, and he is also very witty. In the dog world, the IQ ranks as high as fourth, so the golden retriever In addition to being a pet dog, it also has the identity of a guide dog, so the golden retriever is still very clever. As long as the golden retriever is well trained, the golden retriever can also give us a little help.

The heroine asked the golden retriever to hold the mirror in its mouth while brushing her teeth, and the golden retriever's reaction in the end made people laugh...

< p>Just like this pet owner’s golden retriever, since he was brought up by his pet owner, he has been trained since he was a child. Now he can help his pet owner do some simple things, such as holding a mirror and so on. No, the pet owner would ask Golden Retriever to hold a mirror in front of him every morning when he got up, and ask him to brush his teeth and wash himself. Naturally, Golden Retriever did everything, and he was very obedient.

However, because the owner deliberately tested the golden retriever today, the washing time took a long time, and as time went by, even a patient dog like the golden retriever became a little bit unbearable. No, originally it was just at the beginning The golden retriever, who was still looking excited, now has an impatient look on his face, looking at his pet owner in confusion, as if he's saying it's just a wash, why does it take so long.

Golden Retriever: How can you brush your teeth and look in the mirror? Huh, I don’t want to serve you anymore!

The golden retriever just threw the mirror, and thenA little temper broke out, and the pet owner who was watching on the side couldn't laugh or cry, and then immediately came forward to comfort the golden retriever.

Friends, will your dog help you hold things in its mouth like this?