The owner's love transformed it from a stray dog ​​into a carefree little princess

Pet Story

For many stray animals, when they are adopted, it means that their good days with a home are about to begin. But the tragic experiences of the past are not easily forgotten. Many rescued cats and dogs cannot quickly get rid of the shadow of the past even after they find a new home. For example, this dog named Clementine.

Clementine had been homeless for who knows how long when she was rescued to the shelter, and her physical condition at the time was very bad: not only was she skinny, but she also suffered from a lot of major and minor ailments. So naturally it was put on the euthanasia agenda. Just two days before he was to be euthanized, his current owner, Chelsea, accidentally saw his photo on the rescue station's website. She didn't know why, but she felt that she must take Clementine home and not let her go like this. So I quickly submitted the application, and then received a notice saying that I could take it away.

The owner's love transformed it from a stray dog ​​into a carefree little princess

Waiting for Chelsea to be picked up When Clementine came home, the staff at the rescue station said with some emotion that they had received hundreds of adoption applications in the previous week, but no one was willing to adopt Clementine. So if Chelsea hadn't appeared, Clementine would have gone back to Paw Star now. Afterwards, the staff reminded Chelsea again that her physical condition was not good and that future treatment and recovery would take a lot of time and effort. But Chelsea has been mentally prepared to cure Clementine and let her live a truly good life. But after meeting Clementine in person, I realized that things might be more complicated.

In fact, we can guess at this time that Clementine must have been maliciously hurt by humans when it was wandering, even more than once, which makes it so afraid of humans. But fortunately, he trusts other dogs very much. As soon as he entered the house, he quickly became involved with the other two dogs in the house. He immediately recognized these two "big brothers" and would eat, drink and play with them inseparably no matter what.

After several months of continuous treatment, most of Clementine’s infections and allergies were solved; and under the meticulous care of her owner Chelsea, Clementine also began to reopen her heart, no longer shaking or resisting. and peopleWith such contact, you can even muster up the courage to raise your head and look into the owner's eyes. Seven months later, Clementine was finally transformed, as if she had become a dog.

The master's love transformed it from a stray dog ​​into a carefree little princess

Under the influence of the master Hu Lu When it has its head turned, it will also raise its head and return a look full of love; when talking to it, it will no longer lower its head and hide away, but will respond in its own way, as if to express its I really understand! Although it is still a little shy now, it is much better than the timid appearance before.

Today, Clementine has become very lively, curious about everything around her, and has become very noisy and restless, especially when she goes out to play with her owner and other dogs in the family. The child feels so happy - these are things he has never experienced or even expected before, but now he can enjoy them all. But the most important thing is that in this home, he finally found a sense of security that he had never had before.

The master's love transformed it from a stray dog ​​into a carefree little princess

From the beginning Fear, avoidance, just wanting to hide aside, now playing freely and carefree. This touching transformation came from the owner Chelsea’s decision at that moment and the meticulous care and love that followed.