The owner wants to sell the dog, but the dog’s mother can’t let go of her baby and her eyes hurt from crying!

Pet Story

When it comes to dogs, we are all familiar with them. Dogs have a lively personality, and from time to time they will perform interesting things at home that make their owners dumbfounded. Dogs are also smart and protective of their owners. There are always many heart-warming actions at home, which make their owners feel pain and happiness. So every dog ​​and their owner have a long, long story to tell. Everything in life is different because of them.

The owner wants to sell the dog, but the dog's mother can't let go of the baby, and her eyes hurt from crying!

At home Owners who raise female dogs will encounter the result of their dogs becoming mothers. Some families can wait for the puppies to grow up and keep them together, but there are also many families who can only raise the puppies to a certain level, and then they can no longer continue. In the end, they have to keep the mother dog and give up the puppies. Give it away or sell it. There are also dogs that cannot be given away, so they have to be sold in the market. The heart-to-heart connection between mother and child is not only something we humans have, but is an emotion shared by many animals. After the owner's dogs gave birth to babies, he gave away several of them one after another, and finally two remained. Because there are only two left, the mother dog usually treasures them very much. They are also particularly attentive to their care. The babies grew bigger and bigger, and the owner decided to sell the two little ones after careful consideration. After the mother dog found out, she had to make a difficult choice between her owner and her own baby, and she had to secretly feel sad again and again.

The owner wants to sell the dog, but the dog's mother can't let go of the baby, and her eyes hurt from crying!

When the owner takes the baby When the puppy goes out, the mother dog follows her. The puppies are placed in cages like exhibits. The mother dog stopped in front of her baby and lay down on the railing. Using the same movements you often use to soothe your baby at home, you nuzzled your baby affectionately. I hugged the baby reluctantly and my eyes hurt from crying! It really hurts me to see these beautiful eyes in the past crying like this when we say goodbye in front of them. The little puppy seems to know its next fate. It is about to be separated from its mother. There is only sadness on its face. Even the soothing gestures cannot let it go. After the mother dog let go of her baby, she turned around and looked at her owner. In difficult choices, I have madeThe choice was made. Let go of your hand lying on the railing and count it as farewell. But the mother dog was really reluctant to let go. She turned to the baby again and rubbed the baby's nose. It is comfort and farewell.

Together and separated. This is a law of nature and there is no way to avoid it. Every separation is for a better encounter next time. But dogs are different. Every time they are separated, they will never see each other again. I have no grudges with my children, but I can only never see them again. This is very sad for a mother. It's nice to meet up occasionally, like visiting relatives. Life deserves to be treated with tenderness, and they are our family.