The same cat is regarded as a treasure in China, but is a meal in Vietnam. Why?

Pet Story

The cat that we regard as a precious pet is actually a hot commodity in the Vietnamese market? A topic about Vietnamese people eating cat meat has aroused discussion among netizens and made cat lovers feel incredible.

Why are Vietnamese so obsessed with eating cat meat? Are there any adverse consequences of eating cat meat? In this issue of Ziya Children's Interesting Knowledge Bureau, we will take you to find the answers to these questions.

Is it a pet or food? In our country, eating cat meat is extremely rare. As a country with great food, China is very tolerant of food ingredients. In some areas, even rats and bugs appear as food on the table.

It's also a cat. It's a treasure in China. In Vietnam, it's a plate of Chinese food. Why?

But eating cats Even Chinese foodies find the meat incredible. Except for a very small number of unscrupulous traders who sell cat meat instead of mutton, it is impossible for cats to appear on Chinese tables.

Even these unscrupulous merchants dare not openly sell cat meat for profit. Because in our values, cats are very beneficial animals.

In rural areas, cats, like dogs, are essential pets for every household. The cost of feeding cats is extremely low, and a bite of leftover food can completely meet the needs of cats. Moreover, domestic cats have a very strong ability to survive independently.

More importantly, cats can also help us hunt mice. Cats have night vision, so they can catch mice accurately at night, which can avoid food loss caused by rodents.

Cats also react very quickly. Facing the venomous snakes in the wild, he still manages to keep up with the odds. Cats, like dogs, can serve as housekeepers.

There are many benefits and conveniences to raising cats in the city. Teenagers who live alone also have emotional needs for companionship. Pets can just fill the emptiness inside them.

Although the cat’s working, resting and living habits may make the owner uncomfortable, the cat does not have a strong need to go out and play, which saves a lot of trouble. The adorable look of cats is irresistible.

Cats of various breeds also provide more choices for people who want to keep pets. Various videos of “raising cats in the cloud” on the Internet have also inspired online cat lovers to have offline experiences.

It's also a cat, a treasure in China, inVietnam is a Chinese food, why?

Therefore, in our country, the existence of cats as pets can reach social consensus. Unfortunately, the Vietnamese attitude towards cats is completely different from ours Different.

Why do Vietnamese eat cats? In the market in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, you can see many merchants selling cats. Different from our exchanges in the pet market, the cats in the net pocket will only have one ending. , that is, being drowned by the butcher, and then made into dishes and served to diners.

In order to ensure the taste of the meat, vendors use threats to arouse the fear of felines. This will stimulate the cat’s adrenal glands The hormones surge, putting the cat in a state of tension.

On the one hand, it is easier for vendors to handle, and on the other hand, it also makes the meat firmer. It is unacceptable for us to treat cats as pets in this way, but It does appear in the Vietnamese market.

This has a lot to do with Vietnamese people’s living habits and understanding of cats. More Vietnamese people simply regard cats as a kind of food, so in In their view, this is just a way of processing food.

Vietnamese people have a long-standing custom of eating cats. On the first day of every month, Vietnamese people will choose to eat cat meat to satisfy their hunger. Not only that, Vietnamese people regard cats as "little tigers" and believe that eating cat meat can have the same effect as eating tiger meat.

Eating it for women can nourish and improve their beauty, while eating it for men can achieve the effect of strengthening their bodies. The editor should make a statement here. Wait. This statement has no scientific basis. And the logic here simply cannot withstand scrutiny.

Because according to this statement, the eggs and chicken we eat can be equivalent to dinosaur eggs and dinosaurs. This statement is somewhat inconsistent Logic. But it is a pity that such rumors are very popular in Vietnam.

Many people really believe this "little tiger" theory. This has led to many Vietnamese to remain open to eating cat meat. Attitude and develop certain habits.

This custom has given the cat meat trade a considerable market in Vietnam. Vietnamese people consume up to 4 million cats every year, and this demand is still growing. Increase.

In order to meet their own needs, they also import cats from neighboring countries, but just to satisfy their own appetite. This behavior has been opposed by domestic and foreign animal protection organizations.

They have taken many actions to protect cats, but with little success. Not only that, but in the cat meat trading market in Vietnam, there are also some cats wearing "clothes".

Obviously , these "clothes" cats have their own owners. How they got here is obvious. In Vietnam, stray cats are rarely seen on the streets.

Even some pet cats have difficulty escaping. As you can imagine We don’t know how these stray cats will be treated without a sense of belonging. This behavior has also caused many serious adverse consequences.

Eating cats has brought negative consequences to Vietnam. In the 1990s, the outbreak in Vietnam A serious plague occurred. This has a lot to do with Vietnamese people preying on stray cats. UsuallyNext, cats appear in the ecological chain as the natural enemies of mice. The presence of stray cats will greatly reduce the rat population.

Once the number of cats is insufficient, rats will overrun. Rats will eat food, and people who eat food that has already been eaten run the risk of contracting diseases. In this way, the plague will become a plague.

In the late 1990s, the Vietnamese government issued a decree prohibiting the consumption of cat meat. This is also to protect the stray cat population and curb rodent infestations. After all, biological control is the best solution to the problem.

During the plague period, the Vietnamese did greatly reduce the frequency of eating cat meat out of fear of disease. This has played a positive role in restoring the cat population to a certain extent.

However, as the plague gradually came under control, the call for eating cat meat gradually gained ground. Cat meat trading markets have quietly emerged elsewhere.

The Vietnamese government’s ban has actually raised the market price of cat meat in disguise. Eating cat meat has even become a fashion to some extent. But eating cat meat is more harmful to the human body.

Because most of the cats on the market are stray cats, and most of these stray cats make a living on garbage, carrion and rats. Therefore, these cats themselves carry a large number of germs and parasites.

In addition, cat meat is not processed properly in order to ensure the taste. These parasites and bacteria are not completely killed. Once they enter the human body, they will bring serious adverse consequences.

Cat meat itself has a sour taste because of the secreted substances. Even from the perspective of a diner, cat meat can hardly be called a delicacy.

I hope readers who have read this issue will not try these animals that are not part of our food chain out of curiosity. Even to protect our personal health, we should reduce these unnecessary curiosities.

Not only cats, but also many other wild animals. They don't actually exist in our food chain, and many of them don't have those magical "effects."

Returning wild animals to where they belong not only protects biodiversity, but also has great benefits for human survival and development to a certain extent.

For example, once a cat is hunted, the result will be an overrun of rats, or even a serious plague. Ultimately, it is us humans who pay for these disasters.

Pork, beef, chicken, mutton, etc., these cultured meats are enough to meet our needs for protein and fat, and today's productivity can also meet our meat consumption. So there is no need to involve other animals, especially wild animals.