The strangest shark on earth, the Cyclops shark with only one eye, has less than 50 cases worldwide

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There are many weird and mysterious animals in this world, such as water monsters, Indonesian octopus men, five-headed snakes, etc., and the one-eyed shark we are going to talk about today is also one of them. The one-eyed shark is named after There is a shark with only one eye, which is quite magical! It is estimated that many people have never seen it in their lives, but it actually exists in the world. Let’s take a look with the editor!

The most bizarre shark on earth, the one-eyed shark with only one eye, there are less than 50 cases in the world

Did you see the photo in the picture? This is the true appearance of the one-eyed shark. This shark is said to have been caught by a fisherman off the coast of California, USA. Not only does it have only one eye, its entire body is still extremely white, which is really amazing. As soon as this news and report spread, it caused an uproar on the Internet. Some people said it was fake, while others said it was a mutation of a shark. So, is this weird animal real or fake?

The most peculiar shark on the earth, the one-eyed shark with only one eye, there are less than 50 cases in the world

After this incident, it was said that traces of a one-eyed shark were found on the coast of Mexico. This shark was Local fishermen found a female bull shark in the belly. It was about 56 centimeters long and had only one eye. It was very similar to the image described in California, USA. The two incidents attracted the attention of shark researchers and they conducted research on this "one-eyed shark".

The most bizarre shark on the planet, the one-eyed shark with only one eye, there are less than 50 cases in the world

After research by shark researchers, it has been confirmed that the one-eyed shark is indeed born with one eye, and there is no suspicion of fraud. It is indeed a deformed shark fetus. Deformed shark Cases of fetuses are very rare, with less than 50 cases in the world. Cyclopia occurs in some animals, including humans. This is the first time a cyclops shark has been captured outside the mother's body.


Researchers have also stated that although this one-eyed shark is real, they have not yet captured a live one-eyed shark outside its mother body, indicating that This kind of shark may not be able to survive without its mother and may die at birth.