To prove that cigarettes are harmless, scientists experimented on dogs

Pet Story

The old dog is happy for me to return and wanders into the clothes. Dogs don't mind the family's poverty. Even if they meet again after a long separation, they can still welcome each other with joy, which is very heartwarming. Throughout the ages, there has always been a connection between humans and dogs.

A dog's life is too short. Thirteen or fourteen years are a lifetime. It can be said that a dog stays with a person for a while, and a person stays with the dog for a lifetime. They may not understand much emotion, but they are always loyal to their owners. Therefore, throughout the ages, there are not a few people who like dogs.

To prove that cigarettes are harmless, scientists conducted experiments on dogs

But people’s hearts are evil, and when faced with such a weak and cute animal, some people still choose to harm it. In the last century, in order to prove that smoking is harmless, scientists chose to conduct experiments on dogs, making them smoke 100 cigarettes a day for three consecutive years without interruption. Such an experiment can be described as cruel and inhumane.

"Smoking Beagles"

In 1975, a report surrounding "cigarettes, dogs and experiments" was published in a British newspaper, which later triggered legislation in many countries to strictly prohibit the use of animals by tobacco companies. An article on tobacco smoke experiments - "Smoking Beagles".

If Mary Beith, a female reporter who spoke out for justice, had not spoken out publicly, perhaps, this dog story would have been The history of tragic treatment will be sealed for a long time, or even buried forever.

The entire article revolves around the tragic experimental experience of the dog. The brave female reporter knew that she The report would offend the interests of the tobacco giants, but they still chose to make it public. In addition to sympathizing with the tragic experiences of the dogs, she also wanted to ensure citizens' right to know.

To prove that cigarettes are harmless, scientists used dogs for experiments

In the article, Mary disclosed that scientists would slit the throats of dogs and then use professional instruments to force the dogs to suck 100 sticks a day The facts about cigarettes. During the experiment, dogs continued to die, and dogs that could endure such a tortured life every day for 3 years would also be killed.

< p>As for why this is so, it seems that the body was destroyed and no traces were left. The scientists engaged in this experiment were themselves carried out under the influence of the tobacco giant. As the investor, the tobacco company The experimental results that the parties want to obtain must not allow the existence of these experimental dogs to be made public.

In order to obtain these The truth is that Mary has sacrificed a lot.

The era of not knowing the truth

Cigarettes have a history of less than two hundred years. The first tobacco was born on June 25, 1843. Of course, before that, tobacco had already been used by colonists They are widely cultivated and promoted, but cigarettes are also considered a new product.

To prove that cigarettes are harmless, scientists used dogs for experiments

Later, cigarettes became popular, and people were obsessed with the pleasure of puffing up smoke. Some people even felt that puffing and puffing could lead them out of their dreams for a moment. Troubled and uneasy. For example, Lu Xun was a lifelong smoker. He could hardly smoke without leaving his hand. In the end, he also died from the harm of cigarettes.

When it comes to the dangers of cigarettes, people at first were not aware of them. All new things must go through a debugging process from their rise to popularity. People are obsessed with smoking.Eating cigarettes brings pleasure but selectively ignores the possible harms it may bring. Of course, it may also be that one has not anticipated it.

However, as smoking continues to become more common, many health problems have emerged. Gradually, some experts began to pay attention to this phenomenon, and through long-term surveys, sampling, and research, they came to the possibility of the harm of cigarettes, but everything is not conclusive.

Around the 1950s, after long-term investigation and research, the American Cancer Society finally cautiously announced a piece of news—— Smoking can cause cancer. As soon as this news came out, the whole society was in turmoil. After all, cancer is a very scary thing in any age.

Before life, no matter how beautiful cigarettes are, they are still prohibitive for most people. As a result, for a while, the cigarette market suffered a huge shock. Faced with this situation, the tobacco giants naturally had to have some countermeasures. In the end, they decided to use "science against science."

What is "science versus science"? They spend huge sums of money to hire a large number of experimenters to conduct research on whether cigarettes can easily cause cancer. It can be imagined that the purpose of these tobacco companies is very clear, and the results they want are also clear. All employed laboratories also understand the attitude of their employers, and "no impact" is the only experimental conclusion.

In Western countries where human rights are paramount, scientists naturally dare not use human experiments, so they decided to use Dogs serve as test subjects. Since then, countless dogs have been abused by smoking 100 cigarettes a day.

To prove that cigarettes are harmless, scientists conducted experiments on dogs

It is not known whether this experiment can verify that "smoking can easily cause cancer". Even though they are both living beings, dogs and people are still pregnant.body structure and many other aspects. For example, a drug that works on humans may not work on dogs. Therefore, even if a conclusion is drawn on the dog body, it cannot completely prove anything.

What's more, these experimental data themselves are whitewashing after modification and fraud. The only significance of this experiment is to satisfy the interests of the tobacco industry through dog abuse.

Originally, everything will be carried out in secret, and people blindly trust the experimental conclusions published by the tobacco company— —Smoking does not induce cancer cells, but little attention is paid to all the operating procedures behind the experiment. Until Mary appeared, she was not afraid of tigers as a newborn. She had just entered the journalistic industry and had a heart to defend justice. When the leader wanted to explore tobacco company experiments, she naturally signed up enthusiastically.

To prove that cigarettes are harmless, scientists conducted experiments on dogs

In order to sneak into the laboratory, Mary disguised herself, and finally entered the laboratory as a candidate to help. His job is to tie up the experimental dogs and send these poor dogs to the experimental operating table. In the laboratory, she could only watch the dogs being treated inhumanely, but she could do nothing.

Mary knows that the only thing she can do to save these dogs is to make all the truth known to the public as soon as possible , so she secretly took multiple photos of the experiment over many days, and asked multiple experimenters about the experimental results in a casual conversation. Experimenters said that most of the experimental dogs died within three years, and the few that survived would be killed after three years.

One ​​of the scientists revealed that he had dissected the corpses of experimental dogs that had been smoking cigarettes for three years and found that All tissues in the body suffered massive damage. When dogs enter the advanced stage of cigarette smoking, the smoking mask acts as a ventilator. Due to the erosion of 100 cigarettes a day, the body of experimental dogs has already been damagedOverwhelmed and unable to breathe normally.

The experimental dog who was lucky enough to live for 3 years smoked 100 cigarettes a day, which was added up to 109,500 cigarettes. Such a huge number is staggering and sad at the same time. And such a cruel experiment, the final conclusion is only that everything is fine, which shows the tobacco giant's heart.

After Mary publicly reported this cruel experiment, various countries successively issued statements prohibiting the use of any animals. Come and conduct tobacco smoke experiments. As for cigarettes, everyone is gradually becoming aware of their dangers, but there are always smokers. The phrase "smoking is harmful to health" has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Looking back at that time, those experimental dogs were already overwhelmed by the daily erosion of cigarettes, but all this was Being ignored. All living beings are equal. As higher animals, the most important thing for people is to learn to treat everything equally, rather than wantonly fearing the lives of other species.