Wasps are ferocious and poisonous, so why are they not among the five poisons?

Pet Story

The traditional "five poisons" refer to poisonous snakes, poisonous scorpions, centipedes, toads and geckos. Among these five animals, the first four are poisonous, but the gecko is different. It is not poisonous but has five poisons. Among them, wasps, which are comparable to the other four "poisons" and are equally common, have not entered the five poisons. Why is this? Let’s talk about this interesting issue together.

Wasps are ferocious and poisonous, so why are they not included in the

Wasps should have grown up in rural areas. It is the most familiar insect to my friends. I was very naughty when I was a child. I once made an appointment with several friends to poke a hornet's nest. However, the one we poked was very small and was on a wild jujube branch. Despite this, the four of us all I was stung. I was stung with a big bump on my head. It hurt for more than a week before I recovered. From then on, I stayed away from the hornet's nest whenever I saw it.

However, a wasp is not an insect, but a collective name for hundreds of species of animals belonging to the genus Wasp of the family Vespididae. One thing they have in common is that their bodies are mainly yellow, so wasps are also called wasps. Of course, the scope of wasps is wider. In addition to wasps, it also includes insects from 19 families under the suborder Slenderospinalis.

Compared with bees, wasps have more slender bodies, and bees are covered with fine hairs, but wasps do not. In addition, wasps are much more ferocious than bees, and their stings are painful. It is also more powerful than bees and can sometimes be fatal.

First of all, wasps are extremely aggressive and will attack immediately if they feel threatened. They can chase targets through the air, even for hundreds of meters. Once attacked by a wasp, it is difficult for people to escape, and even if we are around the bees as long as we do not hurt them, they will not attack. However, wasps have a warning range. Once you get too close to their nest, you will be attacked. attack.

Secondly, the pain when stung by a wasp is more intense. This is because the venom of the wasp contains a substance called "actin", which can destroy human cells, causing severe pain and swelling. If you are attacked by multiple wasps at the same time, it may cause allergic reactions and even be life-threatening. Moreover, bees only sting once, because after stinging people, their stings and part of the digestive tract will be torn out of the body, while wasp stings will not fall off, which allows them to attack multiple times.

Wasps are ferocious and poisonous, so why are they not included in the

Third, swarm attack. Wasps are social insects. Once they feel threatened, the wasps on alert outside will sting people at the same time. Pheromones are released, and these pheromones will be sensed by peers in the nest, and then they will attack in groups. For example, in a school in Texas, the United States, a group of students accidentally kicked a hornet's nest while playing on the playground. Was attacked by hundreds of wasps, causing many injuries.

Finally, it is difficult to kill. Wasp nests are usually built in high places or in places with lush vegetation, such as trees or roofs, which makes people think It is difficult to get close to a hornet's nest, and once a person attacks a hornet's nest, hundreds or thousands of wasps will swarm and attack it, making it extremely difficult for people to completely kill them, but there will also be a certain danger.

In short, wasps are very aggressive, sting violently, and are good at chasing and attacking in groups. Therefore, people must be particularly careful when encountering a wasp nest, try not to disturb them, and avoid getting close to the wasp nest. If you are attacked by a wasp When attacking, you must quickly leave the vicinity of a hornet's nest. After all, although wasps are chasing people, a hundred meters away is enough to get rid of them. If you are stung by one, you must seek medical treatment in time. If you need to clean up a hornet's nest near your home, it is best to seek help from a professional fire department. , do not do it yourself.

The five poisons are not actually stored based on their toxicity. In addition to their commonness, their use as medicine is the main factor in their storage. Although wasps are also common and toxic, they are It itself has no medicinal value, so it was not included in the "Five Poisons" by the ancients. In fact, poisonous spiders are similar to wasps, and they do not appear in the Five Poisons. The reason is that they have no medicinal value.