Wool that hasn't been trimmed in 5 years weighs 35 kilograms. I can't help but complain about it. It's too exaggerated.

Pet Story

There are many unsolved mysteries about the animal world, such as the "Loch Ness Monster". Although some animal experts believe that it is probably a shark or some kind of fish, there is no real and reliable basis.

This story takes place in Melbourne, Australia, where an unknown animal appeared in a jungle. Everyone was curious, but in addition to being curious, they felt scary.

When passersby discovered it, they were so frightened that they froze in place and thought they had encountered some monster. It was so big that it looked like a ball, and nothing could be seen clearly except its nose. After getting closer, I saw clearly that this thing had limbs, like a sheep!

After receiving the call for help, the animal rescue agency rushed to the scene. After confirmation, they learned that the sheep had been lost five years ago. Because the wool has no one to take care of it, it can only be allowed to grow. After it was delivered to the farm, the other sheep looked at it with confused faces.

Then, several people started to shear the wool together, and it took more than an hour to finish. The pruned sheep revealed its original appearance and looked much more pleasing to the eye. Wool that has not been trimmed for five years weighs about 35 kilograms, which is equivalent to the weight of a sheep. I couldn’t help but complain: It’s too exaggerated!

It is very rare that this sheep can bear this kind of weight and survive. After all, this weight will make it difficult to move, and even the sight will be blocked by the hair. If it hadn't been discovered by passers-by this time, it would have been really difficult to survive.

I have to say, life on the farm is obviously very comfortable. Not only do you have to eat and drink, but you also have people taking good care of you. Why can't you think about running away from home? It's so good to just stay here!

Nowadays, many children choose to run away from home because of some quarrels with their parents. You should know that running away from home will not solve the problem. It is better to wait for both parties to calm down before talking about it. As parents, you should also pay attention to the way and attitude you deal with problems. If you communicate with your children too forcefully, this will arouse their resentment.

In fact, everyone needs the understanding and support of their family members. We can't always think about problems from our own perspective, we also need to think about the other person's perspective from another perspective.

The wool that hasn't been trimmed in 5 years weighs 35 kilograms. I can't help but complain: too. It's too exaggerated

Sheep are docile and gregarious, but timid and slow-moving. When they are suddenly frightened, they will start running around , so you should try to keep it as quiet as possible when grazing.

They have good cold resistance, like dry and comfortable environments, and are afraid of humid environments and hot weather. In hot summer, be careful not to crowd them Together, we should also pay special attention to preventing heatstroke.

In addition, sheep have an extremely developed sense of smell and always smell it with their noses before eating grass. If the grass has a peculiar smell or is contaminated, they will I like to eat, so in order to keep the food clean, do not put it on the ground, but put it in the grass rack.