cruel! A camel in a scenic spot was beaten in turn and begged for mercy.

Pet Story

The weekend is infinitely better, it’s only two days! No, most people only need one day.

On her rest day, Ms. Li and her family went to visit the ancient city scenic spot in Shangqiu, Henan. I originally thought that the ancient city scenic spots in various places should be similar, but the ancient city of Shangqiu in Henan is indeed quite large and can accommodate a lot of tourists. Ms. Li was first taking photos and then riding horses in the scenic area, and was having a great time. However, a discordant scream suddenly sounded. Ms. Li was pleasantly surprised and turned to look at the source of the sound.

I saw a camel standing there, and a man hit it hard with a thick stick. The strength of each blow of this man's stick made people suspect that this camel was his father-killing enemy, and he hit it directly on the head, and occasionally missed and hit other parts. Even if they didn't know the camel, the tourists around them were a little bit intolerant. Many people spontaneously wanted to stop the man, but he ignored him and there were many children around!

 Cruel! The camels in the scenic area were beaten with clubs in turn and they knelt down and begged for mercy

Cruel! Camels in the scenic spot were beaten in turn with sticks and bent down to beg for mercy

What was even more horrifying was that there was another man behind the violent man. The two of them actually took turns beating the camel, causing the camel’s mouth to bleed and swell. It kept screaming but did not dare to scream too loudly. Finally, the camel slowly knelt on the ground, much like begging the two for mercy. We don’t know if the camel is really begging for mercy. It’s probably more like it’s in pain and can’t stand.

This incident aroused concern. The staff of the Shangqiu Ancient City Scenic Area hurriedly refuted the rumors to the news media and said: There are no camels in the scenic area! There is no official camel riding service, so these two men are not from the scenic spot! And the incident took place in a large open space outside the scenic spot!

Such incidents happen every day, but if they are seen by the masses, their nature and impact will be different. Every time such an incident occurs, people always wonder: Why can’t we wait for “animal protection legislation”?

The Current Situation of Animal Protection

The "Anti-Animal Cruelty Law" has always been a law that most people think should exist, especially with the increase in animal cruelty.After news reports about things continued to appear.

People can only scold those perverts and do their best to help abused animals. But most of those who abuse animals go unpunished. Why? Naturally, it is because there is no substantive legal basis. Therefore, the calls for "animal protection legislation" are getting louder and louder.

Cruel! Camels in scenic spots were beaten with clubs and knelt down, begging for mercy.

But there must be many voices of opposition. "How can animals be compared with humans?" "What? Can't animals be abused?" "What does it mean to be abused?" Some people think that animals should be divided into "three, six or nine" categories. Some animals need to be protected, and others should be left alone.

Are these questions looking for trouble? Not really! If these problems are not solved, animal protection legislation will still be delayed.

At present, the authorities who are actually working hard for animal legislation are divided into two groups: "animal welfare" and "animal rights".

The "animal welfare" faction simply believes that law is the exclusive domain of humans, and animals only need to passively accept the welfare provided by humans. Taking the zoo as an example, it is necessary to treat these captive animals well and make them live comfortably. The crocodile Xiaohe, which has gradually lost its popularity, just does not enjoy appropriate "animal welfare".

Cruel! Camels in scenic spots were beaten with clubs in turns, knelt down and begged for mercy.

The "animal rights" faction, simply put, means that animals can also be the subject of legal relationships, and If they have legal rights, they will certainly not defend themselves, but they can use recognized supervisors to help them safeguard their rights. But the animals themselves don't know they have rights, which is a difficult obstacle to overcome.

Why is it difficult to implement legislation?

Many people say how perfect the animal protection laws are in foreign countries, "At this time, the moon abroad will be full!" But foreign countries started early, and the British "Martin Act" was introduced as early as 1822. , the law was revised to prohibit cruel treatment of large domestic animals, which can be regarded as the forerunner of modern animal protection laws. Counting from that time, foreign animal protection legislation has been practiced for nearly 200 years.

But in our country, animal protection legislation in the true sense hasIt was not formally proposed until the 21st century.

In 2009, the "Animal Protection Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft of Expert Suggestions)" was proposed, and in 2010, the "Anti-Cruelty to Animal Protection Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft of Expert Suggestions)" was proposed, beginning to focus on animals. Protection legislation and related issues.

Developed late, people's ideas naturally vary greatly, and no social consensus has been formed. For example, the "Yulin Dog Meat Festival". Animal rights activists think it's barbaric and shameful; some people think it's custom and personal freedom of consumption, and you have nothing to do with it! From their respective perspectives, it certainly makes sense that such a high degree of disagreement exists in all kinds of news about animals.

Cruel! A camel in a scenic spot was beaten in turn with a stick and begged for mercy on his knees


Therefore, it is an animal protection issue to popularize animal protection awareness among the people and ideologically guide most people to treat animals well. An important prerequisite for reaching consensus. It is indeed too early to talk about legislation at this stage, because the animal welfare law is first a social issue and secondly a legal issue. If we directly legislate without solving this social problem first, problems will inevitably arise during implementation.

Cruel! Camels in scenic spots were beaten in turns, and they knelt down and begged for mercy.

It is necessary to protect animal rights, but sadly: The legislation is currently unfeasible.