Afraid of breaking up the house, she sealed Alaska before going out. When she got home, her pet owner immediately burst into laughter.

Pet Story

Alaska, husky, and Samoyed were tied as the three sled fools. Alaska was ranked as the first boss with a mysterious look. It is said that they were named boss, second, and third according to their body shape.

In addition to the fact that the three sled fools do not have the characteristic of letting go, the destructive power of demolishing homes is also extraordinary. Among them, there is a reason why Alaska ranks first, because its strength is the largest among the three fools. They also know the steps of demolishing a house very well. In view of this characteristic, the officials are also using all kinds of tricks to prevent Alaska from demolishing a house.

Afraid of tearing down the house, he sealed Alaska before going out. After returning home, the pet owner immediately burst into laughter.

A netizen went out to buy food for his Alaska. At the same time, he also took great pains to seal the ancient power hidden in Alaska. First, he set up a sealing array at home. Then, he summoned the giant beast Alaska and used The magical power of the Sakura Flower tied up Alaska and trapped him in the sealing formation.

In the first few minutes, Alaska stayed in the sealing formation honestly. However, Alaska was restless. The heart could not control the ancient power in the body, and was finally controlled. He suddenly lost control and began to destroy the sealing belt on his body.

Fortunately, the owner came back in time and no tragedy occurred. Only the top sealing tape was bitten, while the bottom one was still intact. However, seeing Alaska's aggrieved look, the pet owner couldn't help but laugh.

Afraid of tearing down the house, he sealed Alaska before going out. After returning home, the pet owner immediately burst into laughter.

The master recited the incantation silently: O megaphone that contains the power of Dasha, the master who has made an agreement with you orders you to lift the seal.