An 81-year-old grandmother and a Shiba Inu both suffered from dementia and were admitted to a nursing home. They met again and still remembered each other.

Pet Story

For humans, keeping pets is a super healing and happy thing. Do you believe in the unique relationship between humans and pets? Pets are like family members to the elderly. If a pet gets old or even suffers from dementia, will it still remember its owner? I believe everyone is familiar with the story of "Hachiko". The story I am going to tell you today is also about the strange relationship between a dog and its owner.

This story tells a touching story between a grandmother suffering from Alzheimer's disease and a dog suffering from Alzheimer's disease (dementia). Even if they can guess the ending, many people I was still moved to tears!

81-year-old grandmother and Shiba Inu both suffered from dementia and were admitted to a nursing home, but they still remember each other when we meet again

Story The protagonist is an 81-year-old grandma who is a dutiful son. She has a dog named Koro. The grandma of dutiful son met the dog in 2000. At that time, the grandma’s husband hoped to raise a dog after retirement, so the cute puppy We arrived at Xiaozi’s grandma’s house! This is the first encounter between grandma and a dog, and it’s very heartwarming to think about it! But within a few years, grandma's husband passed away. Grandma was very sad for a long time. Later, she gradually got over her sadness because of the companionship of the dog. In this way, grandma spent another 12 years safely with the dog~

Many years later, grandma's body suddenly began to appear strange. After a doctor's examination, it was confirmed that the filial grandma was suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Dementia! The children were unable to take care of their grandma because they were busy with work. In order to give her grandma a better life, she sent her filial grandma to a nursing home for the elderly that could accept dogs at the same time. Although the filial grandma has forgotten many things, she still walks with her dog three times a day and has never forgotten this incident.

However, gradually, the dog began to show some strange symptoms: barking in the middle of the night and urinating everywhere. After examination, I found out that the dog also suffered from cognitive impairment! Grandma knew that it was already very difficult for her to take care of herself, and she had no way to take care of Koro, so she sent him to a pet home that specializes in caring for elderly dogs. After this separation, I don’t know how long it took. Grandma talked about dogs less and less. Slowly, it seemed that the name dog began to completely disappear from grandma’s life. In fact, at this time, the dog's condition is getting worse, he can't see, and his body's functions have begun to weaken. Can he still sense that grandma has never forgotten him deep down in his heart?

Later, a Japanese program team arranged for the grandma and The meeting of the dog, grandma seemed to recall everything when she met the dog! She kept calling the dog's name, and the dog seemed to have received telepathy at this time, and responded hard to grandma! Two different species suffering from cognitive impairment have connected with each other at this time. What an amazing miracle this is! Isn't this the miracle of love?

How to take care of elderly dogs?

Old dogs especially love to sleep, so the kennel must be in a comfortable and quiet place. They must also exercise appropriately and ensure a healthy and nutritious diet. You can take the dog for a walk at ordinary times. , just do some simple movement training. If the dog is tired, you can stop and rest, reward it with some dog snacks (chicken jerky, goat cheese), and supplement nutrition, so that the dog will not be so tired.