There was an unknown creature standing on the pocket. After seeing it clearly with a flashlight, he said he was so cute.

Pet Story

In fact, many people nowadays look at faces. If you have a good-looking face, you will be forgiven for any bad things you do. If you are ugly, it will be difficult to win favor even if you do good things. It is so realistic.

There was an unknown creature standing on his pocket. After seeing it clearly with a flashlight, he said he was so cute

And people like this The viewpoint not only affects people, but is also vividly reflected in animals. Let’s take a look at the short story shared by this netizen below.

This netizen always finds that the food at home has been stolen, and all the traces left behind indicate that it was done by rats. In fact, he has scolded the rat a hundred times in his heart and wants to peel it and cramp it. .

That night, netizens heard another noise coming from the storage room at home. They suspected that rats were out and picked up a flashlight to see what was going on. Then I found an unknown creature standing on the snakeskin bag, so I looked at it with a flashlight and said frankly that I was so cute: What is the little thing doing standing here?

I saw a little mouse standing blankly on the snakeskin bag, looking down at the food inside. However, the netizens who originally gritted their teeth against the mouse could no longer harden up. This mouse was too Cute, right? It’s hard to link it to the image of a thief plagiarizing.

There was an unknown creature standing on his pocket. After seeing it clearly with the flashlight, he said he was so cute

Tsk, tsk, as expected, this It's a world where faces are judged. Ugly mice would have been beaten to death with sticks, but such cute ones would be watched carefully. It's so unfair!