The big white goose found the viper breaking in outside the house and issued a warning to the owner.

Pet Story

There is a text "Cow and Goose" in primary school Chinese: When a cow looks at a person, it feels that the person is bigger than the cow, so the cow is afraid of people; when a goose looks at a person, it feels that the person is smaller than the goose, so the goose is not afraid. people. Really?

In a village in Shapingba, Chongqing, Mr. Yang, a villager, was taking a nap when he suddenly heard the continuous chirping of a big white goose outside the house. Knowing that the big white goose must have found something, Mr. Yang walked out of the house and followed the big white goose. In the direction, the big white goose is confronting a snake with a triangular head. This is also the most obvious appearance sign of a venomous snake, and can be blocked by the big goose outside the house.

The big white goose outside the house found a viper breaking in, and issued a warning to remind the owner

After Mr. Yang called the police, the police arrived quickly. Their confirmation: This is a primitive spearhead viper, also known as iron-headed viper, bamboo shoot viper, rotten grass snake, etc. Its venom is a blood circulation poison. If bitten by it, human body tissues will be necrotic, and the flesh and blood will be destroyed. It would also cause ulcers and even bone necrosis. In the end, the venomous snake was taken away and released for treatment.

According to Mr. Yang, because the village is close to the forest, many snakes will crawl into the village in search of food, so most villagers in the village will raise a big white goose. These big white geese are used to prevent snakes. It is indeed very useful. Most of the time, venomous snakes can be found in time and the villagers can be reminded of the snake's location.

Raising geese can indeed prevent snakes

In the ancient poem "Qiuchi Notes", there is: "Goose can warn against thieves, and it can also scare away snakes. Its excrement kills snakes, and the garden of Shu people If you raise geese in a pond, the snakes will go away." In addition to the common saying "As long as the geese are there, the snakes will not come close", so it has long been a consensus to raise geese to prevent snakes.

Snakes are more wary of special smells, such as sulfur, alcohol, etc. There is a large amount of oxalic acid in the feces of goose. Snakes generally will not approach such a pungent smell. . In addition, goose droppings are indeed fatal to snakes because there are parasites such as Cryptosporidium in goose droppings. If a snake crawls into goose droppings, it is likely to be infected with these parasites, which will cause the snake's abdomen to swell and other diseases and death. , so snakes also hate goose droppings and will actively avoid these smells.

The big white goose outside the house found a viper breaking in and issued a warning to remind the owner

In addition, the goose has a very strong sense of territory and will dare to twist any animal or person that intrudes into its territory. Most snakes are indifferent to the goose. Because of this, small and medium-sized snakes do not dare to offend the geese, but not all snakes are afraid of the geese. Burmese pythons and other large snakes have stolen the geese of many farmers. After all, they are under absolute power. , the goose cannot defeat the python.

Everything looks smaller than the goose’s eyes?

The big goose is also known as the "big geese in the village" because it is very aggressive. No matter who the opponent is, the big goose will always attack first and immediately, hitting it with its beak and flapping with its wings. , defeat opponents in various ways. One of the battles that really highlighted the goose's personality: A zoo in Hebei originally planned to use a goose to feed tigers, but the goose chased away two Bengal tigers in a row, which shows how aggressive the goose is.

The eye structure of goose is very special. The eyes are located on the left and right sides of the head, which allows them to have a wider field of vision. However, their eyeballs are very small. This structure has advantages and disadvantages. Advantages The goose's field of view is almost panoramic, but the disadvantage is that everything they see becomes smaller.

The big white goose outside the house found a viper intruding and issued a warning to remind the owner

This is because the eyeball structure of many animals is a concave lens. But the structure of the eyes of the big white goose is in the other direction - convex lenses. This makes everything the goose sees smaller, and it feels that the size is similar to it. Therefore, whether it is a beast or a human, in the eyes of the big white goose, the size is the same as it. They are almost the same size and have an aggressive personality, so they are naturally not afraid of the big white goose.

Many people have been injured by big white geese. Big white geese will take the initiative to attack strangers or other creatures. However, many farms such as fish and poultry raise big white geese. This is because raising geese prevents Snakes are indeed effective in preventing weasels. They will avoid snakes if they smell the smell of goose or hear the warning call of goose.