The man opened the door and encountered a small crucian carp. The next day, he found more fish climbing ashore.

Pet Story

"The sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fish to jump." For fish, their respiratory organs are gills. Only in water can they absorb dissolved oxygen in the water. If they leave the water, the gills will remain in the air. They will stick together, which is not conducive to the breathing of fish, so fish cannot leave the water, but some fish can leave the water for a period of time, such as the well-known scavenger fish, mudskipper, mountain crucian carp, lungfish, etc.

In Maoming, Guangdong, a man encountered a strange thing. That night, he opened the door and found many "little crucian carp" crawling at the door, and some fish even struggled to climb up the steep slope. Some fish are crawling into the door, as if they are queuing up to be delivered to the door. It turns out that the fish can not only swim, but also walk ashore

The man opened the door and encountered a small crucian carp, and the next day more fish were found climbing ashore

The next day I found more "little crucian carp" climbing ashore in the pond and crawling along the road. According to the man, these fish are called mountain crucian carp. Originally, There are two ponds beside the road. The fish pond on one side is dry. Due to the heavy rain last night, it has begun to fill with water. These mountain crucian carp crawled over from the fish pond on the other side. This is not the first time that fish climb ashore. It happens every year. Many fish climb in the wrong direction and reach their doorsteps.

Why did these mountain carps leave the water?

As the man said, they wanted to climb to another fish pond. This is because the mountain crucian carp has a strong reproductive ability. May to July every year is their breeding season. A female fish They can lay more than 2,000 fish eggs. In addition, they have strong adaptability. In some places with relatively poor water quality, other fish cannot survive, but mountain crucian carp can also survive. Therefore, the survival rate of mountain crucian carp is relatively high, so This will lead to the saturation of their populations in the original waters. When they cannot accommodate more mountain crucian carp, they will go ashore to find new water sources, especially during rainy periods. In southern areas such as Guangdong and Guangxi, it is easier to find fish like mountain crucian carp coming ashore. They will swing their gill covers and Using pectoral fins and turning over, they can walk on land and climb over banks and slopes to find new waters.

The mountain crucian carp can survive longer on the shore. This is because compared with other fish today, the mountain crucian carp has a unique organ that only primitive fishes have. There is an extra gill organ under the gill cover of mountain carp than other fishes. This supragill organ can directly help mountain carp absorb oxygen from the air, allowing them to stay out of the water for a period of time, up to more than ten hours.

The man opened the door and encountered a small crucian carp, and the next day more fish were found climbing ashore

The mountain crucian carp cannot leave the water indefinitely. If the drought distance is too large, or the weather temperature is too high, and if water cannot be found to drink, the mountain crucian carp will also They died of thirst and sunburn in the middle of the journey, so many mountain-crossing crucian carps also died in the middle of the journey. Of course, many mountain-crossing crucian carp could successfully move to another water body, which shows that mountain-crossing crucian carp also has a certain sense of direction in the water area. .

Can mountain crucian carp climb trees?

In 1791, a Danish naturalist Dahldorf discovered something on a tree during his expedition in India. A mountain crucian carp, and this fish is still alive. The locals also told him that this small fish can climb onto palm trees to suck juice, attracting many research groups to conduct field investigations on this fish.

< p>In fact, the mountain-crossing crucian carp does not belong to crucian carp, but belongs to the family Perchidae. The perch is a small Asian freshwater fish. It is called climbing perch. It has different names in different places. It is also called walking fish, flying crucian carp, and tree-climbing fish. Fish, wood-climbing fish, wood-climbing perch, mountain-climbing perch, etc. From these names, we know the characteristics of this fish. It can live out of water and can crawl on land and trees. This kind of fish can really climb trees. ?

The man opened the door and encountered a small crucian carp, and the next day more fish were found climbing ashore

Finally, a fish scientist published in 1927 Statement: The reason why live climbing bass appears in the trees is actually brought by birds. When the climbing bass walks ashore, it will be picked up by hungry birds in the trees. In the process of swallowing, some The climbing bass may fall off the bird's mouth and fall into the tree, which creates the illusion that the climbing bass can climb trees. The climbing bass does not have the ability to climb trees. The climbing bass can only walk on land for a short period of time.

Would anyone like to keep this strange landed fish as a pet fish?