A boy was beaten with a concussion for pointing out uncivilized dog walking, and the dog owner was arrested on suspicion of causing trouble

Pet Story

An adult man was walking his dog in an uncivilized area. The boy pointed it out and was beaten. A few days ago, a conflict incident that occurred in the Mocuili Community in Hongkou District, Shanghai attracted attention.

On May 12, reporters learned from the Shanghai Hongkou Police that criminal suspect Sun was currently subject to criminal coercive measures in accordance with the law on suspicion of provoking quarrels and provoking trouble.

Some media reported that on May 2, when a grandmother was taking her two grandchildren to play in the children's playground of the community, a dog suddenly rushed up to her. Chases older children and pounces on grandma. The dog's owner, Sun, was nearby but ignored him. The 6-year-old child then said, "Look what it says here, pets are not allowed." But the owner of the dog rushed over and pointed at the child and said, "Say it again if you have the ability." Then he slapped the child hard on the head. That night, the child developed various symptoms such as vomiting, nosebleeds, and loss of consciousness. The doctor diagnosed him with a concussion, and the grandmother suffered a heart attack after the incident. The child's father, Mr. Zhou, said that there are usually many people walking dogs in the community, and it is also common to leave dogs without leashes, which is one of the reasons for this conflict.

The boy was beaten and concussed for pointing out that he was walking a dog in an uncivilized manner, and the dog owner was arrested on suspicion of causing trouble.

The warning sign at the scene of the incident.