A single tortoise laid 3 eggs, but the owner was full of questions: Can it give birth to cubs?

Pet Story

When it comes to eggs, everyone is familiar with them. After all, eggs are often eaten. So how much do you know about the eggs of other animals? How do uncommon eggs like snake eggs, turtle eggs, and ostrich eggs hatch?

The single turtle laid 3 eggs, but the owner is full of questions: Can this give birth to cubs?

< p>It is not uncommon to keep a turtle as a pet, but it is not easy to see it lay eggs. Let’s take a look at the short story shared by a netizen below. Has anyone experienced it?

This old lady has been raising a turtle for several years. At first, the child gave it to her because she didn’t have time to raise it. As time passed, the turtle developed feelings for each other. It can actually understand when you call it sometimes. This is probably the tortoise’s spirituality.

The single turtle laid 3 eggs, but the owner is full of questions: Can this give birth to cubs?

< p>But one day the old lady discovered that this tortoise, which had been single for many years, had laid three eggs. She found it very unbelievable, very curious, and full of questions. First, how could this guy lay eggs without a partner? Second, can these eggs produce babies?

Later, the old lady asked and found out that a turtle can also lay eggs, but because these eggs have no father, they cannot give birth to little turtles. However, the nutritional value of these turtle eggs is still very high and they are rich in protein, so they can be boiled and eaten.

The single turtle laid 3 eggs, but the owner is full of questions: Can this give birth to cubs?

< p>Hey, how could a person like the editor, who can't even feed a turtle, have seen a turtle egg? I'm afraid only experienced turtle breeders can see and eat turtle eggs.Bar?

In fact, no matter what you raise, whether it is a plant or an animal, you can raise it well as long as you pay patiently. Just like educating a child, the editor believes that all children are inherently good-natured when they are born, so why do they have different personalities when they grow up? That is still inseparable from the education of parents.

Many parents have been busy making money and thinking about providing the best for their children in terms of material things. As a result, many parents have neglected to cultivate their children's character. The editor feels that spiritual education is definitely more important than material education for a child. I hope parents can understand this and stop being confused about priorities.