I stayed up late at home surfing the Internet, and my dog ​​slept very sweetly with me by my side. When I woke up, I looked at me strangely.

Pet Story

I like surfing the Internet very much. When I have nothing to do, I stay up late at home surfing the Internet. I often play games all night long. But this is not critical. I haven’t been to an Internet cafe for a long time. You all don’t believe it when I tell you. How did a student party become As a dog lover, I was playing games at home a few days ago. I was playing games very late at about 2 o'clock in the morning. I was dozing off. Suddenly I felt something under my feet. I looked down and saw that it was the family dog. The little guy crawled on it. He went to my shoes, got into a comfortable position, and then fell asleep. At that time, I thought it was very interesting, why didn't the dog go to sleep in his own den?

I stayed up late at home surfing the Internet, sleeping with my dog ​​beside me. It was very sweet, and looked at me very strangely after I woke up.

I stayed up late at home surfing the Internet, sleeping with my dog ​​beside me. It was very sweet, and looked at me very strangely after I woke up.

The dog looked at me strangely, probably thinking why he didn't go to bed to sleep when he was snoring so loudly. Then the little guy became confused, looked at me, and then turned to look Looking at the quiet environment around me, the dog started to bark, and kept yelling as if to wake me up and let me go to bed. My mother outside the house observed for a while, saw that I woke up, opened the door and came in, and said just now The scene of dogs caring about people told me that animals also have feelings, but they can't express them in words. They usually show them in actions, which makes people feel warm.

I stayed up late at home surfing the Internet, sleeping with my dog ​​beside me. It was very sweet, and looked at me very strangely after I woke up.

My dog ​​is very sensible and usually does not cause trouble. He is very understanding of the human side, little guy.As long as there is nothing to do, he keeps looking at me, and it feels really curious. When the dog is curious, his ears will always stand up, and the little guy looks very quiet when he is not barking. He is really a heart-warming dog.