A German Shepherd and a Golden Retriever gave birth to 4 babies. The owner smiled when he saw the puppy’s appearance.

Pet Other

Raising a good-looking dog is the dream of many dog ​​owners.

Unfortunately, many people have discovered that dogs are also afraid of the "pig-killing knife" of time. The appearance of dogs after adulthood has changed greatly from before. In the past, they looked very cute. After a few months, it looks like a donkey. People who raise huskies know this best.

golden retrievers can be said to be dogs that combine intelligence and beauty. Golden retrievers are particularly cute when they are one or two months old. They look like a "good boy" at first glance. In addition to their IQ, golden retrievers as adults have a very good appearance. There is no advantage anymore.

German Shepherd and Golden Retriever gave birth to 4 babies, the owner smiled when he saw the puppy's appearance

Shit Shovel Officer After raising a golden retriever, I got a German Shepherd within less than a year.

Many young people in Thailand like to keep pet dogs. Due to the influence of popular culture, many people are keen to keep dogs even in small towns. Golden retrievers, sled dogs, and German shepherds are all very popular here.

A pet owner lives in a small town. Because he has a big yard and his life is relatively leisurely now, he keeps a golden retriever. On the one hand, he wants to rely on it to guard the yard, and on the other hand, he wants to have multiple playmates. .

The golden retriever has a good temper, is enthusiastic about everyone he meets, and treats strangers as his master.

The dog owner often complained about the poor eyesight of the golden retriever, because when the owner took it out for a walk, he found that the dog would often rush to strangers and then wag its tail vigorously at them without giving any feedback. Master's face.

If passersby have snacks in their hands, the golden retriever will abandon its owner. These behaviors make the owner very unhappy. After working hard to raise a dog, he ends up treating someone else as his owner?

German Shepherd and Golden Retriever gave birth to 4 babies, the owner smiled when he saw the puppy's appearance

The dog is too cute Gentle and not at all alert, the pet owner felt the need for another dog.

Everyone knows the character of the golden retriever and is very friendly to people, so it is a wrong choice to let it guard the yard. The shit shovel officer also discovered this problem, and then he planned to raise a dog with strong fighting ability. dog.

On the advice of friends, the pet owner adopted another German Shepherd. When he took the little German Shepherd home, the golden retriever was almost an adult. Although the two dogsThe size difference is a bit big, but their relationship is pretty good.

More than ten months later, the golden retriever was bred by a German Shepherd.

A few months later, the shit shovel officer suddenly thought of something, that is, the golden retriever is a female dog, and the German shepherd is a male dog. This happens to be a pair. When the German shepherd reaches adulthood, they will definitely It will give birth to a baby, which makes it a bit difficult for the pet owner to handle.

Take him to be neutered. The cat is a little reluctant to let go. Just when the cat is struggling, the two furry babies are ready.

The owner saw that the golden retriever’s belly was getting bigger day by day and accepted this reality, so he thought about how to deal with the little puppy.

German Shepherd and Golden Retriever gave birth to 4 babies, and the owner smiled when he saw the puppy's appearance

Two months later, the golden retriever successfully gave birth to a litter of babies.

The golden retriever was born in the middle of the night, because the owner planned the day and guarded the dog until 12 o'clock in the morning. However, the dog never responded and the owner went back to the house to sleep. When I checked again the next morning, I found that the golden retriever had given birth.

There were four suckling dogs under the dog’s belly. The scavenger took a closer look and found that two of the four suckling puppies followed the father and the other two followed the mother.

Pooper: Half like mom, half like dad. Is this a consensus?

A month later, the owner wanted to laugh every time he saw the puppy's appearance.

The puppy has not yet grown when it is young. Although judging from the color of the coat, you can basically tell what it looks like, but after a month, it will be "full-fledged" and it will look like a golden retriever like its mother. looks like the other two that look like dad.

Now that the little puppy is more than two months old, the golden retriever is becoming more and more impatient with the baby. He always wants to be lazy and is very partial to the puppy.

German Shepherd and Golden Retriever gave birth to 4 babies, and the owner smiled when he saw the puppy's appearance

They look right A puppy that looks like my own is very gentle, but my attitude towards a puppy that looks like a German Shepherd is different.

Two months old puppyShe still likes to pester the dog mother. The golden retriever was lying on the ground, and the little golden retriever and the German shepherd dog came running. Unexpectedly, when the dog mother saw the little German shepherd coming, she actually wanted to kick it away with her back feet. The owner also laughed when he saw it. .

Poop shoveler: These puppies are all your own, why are you treating them differently?