A girl raised rats, but was scolded by netizens for spreading unfair ideas, claiming that rats contained viruses.

Pet Other

Most people are afraid to avoid rats. "When a rat crosses the street, everyone shouts and beats it, has a sinister look, and is as timid as a rat..." Most of the words about rats are derogatory terms, so why do people hate rats so much?

A girl raises mice, but is scolded by netizens for spreading unfair ideas, claiming that mice have viruses in their bodies

Every When a rat plague breaks out, the rats will wreak havoc and eat away at the crops, causing huge losses. Faced with the rat plague, farmers lament and actively prepare tools to eliminate rats. The "Man-Rat War" begins, and China loses more than 100% of its food every year due to rat plagues. and pasture in astonishing quantities.

A girl raises mice, but is scolded by netizens for spreading unfair ideas, saying that mice have viruses in their bodies

Rat The reproductive capacity of rats is strong. Although there are many natural enemies, they cannot reproduce as fast as rats. Rats have grown in dark and humid environments for a long time, and they carry many viruses. Plague has had many pandemics in the history of the world, and tens of millions of people have died. China is in Before liberation, there were many epidemics with extremely high case fatality rates.

A girl keeps mice, but is scolded by netizens for spreading unfair ideas, saying that mice have viruses in their bodies

We I have to admit one thing, rats are also very intelligent.

There is a foreign netizen named Mary who likes mice very much and has raised many different kinds of mice. She often posts her daily life with the mice on her Facebook and has gained many fans. However, there are also people He said that rats are actually a kind of pest, which can also destroy crops in the fields while carrying viruses. He scolded Mary as an Internet celebrity for spreading unfair ideas to her fans. Mary also expressed thisVery distressed.

A girl raises mice, but is scolded by netizens for spreading unfair ideas, claiming that mice have viruses in their bodies

Mary He said that he could no longer live without his beloved pets and could only sleep peacefully with mice by his side.

A girl raises mice, but is scolded by netizens for spreading unfair ideas, claiming that mice have viruses in their bodies

Mary I also like to take the "little guy" with me when I go to the library to read. When I am tired from studying, I will tease the little guy to relieve my fatigue.

Ever since she was a child, she had loved mice and took them with her wherever she went. She shares it with her pets as long as she has it and she feels good about it. This may seem confusing to outsiders, but to her, it is a family relationship, and the tacit understanding between them cannot be expressed in words.

A girl raises mice, but is scolded by netizens for spreading unfair ideas, claiming that mice have viruses in their bodies