One slap will cost you your job. Is this panda more valuable than your grandparents?

Pet Other

On April 17, a panda keeper at the Ziqing Lake Wildlife World in Nanjing gently hit the panda Nuan Nuan with a bamboo pole to urge it to return to its nest. The zoo made a decision:

I would like to ask, who is the leader of this zoo? Doesn't he feel it's against his conscience to make such a bizarre move that infringes on the rights of employees? Can you sleep well at night?

Giant pandas have thick fur and lots of flesh. In the zoo, if a giant panda is playing and falls off a tree branch or falls on a swing, it hardly reacts and starts playing again with its big butt shaking.

The keeper used a very thin bamboo pole about two meters long. He held one end of the bamboo pole and gently knocked the panda a few times. The panda was a little agitated when he was "knocked" for the first time, but then he ignored the keeper and became indifferent to the repeated "knocking" reminders. It can be said that even if the force of this blow is increased ten times, the panda will not be harmed.

One slap will cost you your job. Is this panda more valuable than your grandparents?

Such a slap is what a human mother would do to her clothes. Clothes for kids remind him of the same thing.

The feeding and domestication of giant pandas also requires the use of tools. All animal domestication requires the use of tools. On the one hand, these tools are for punishment, on the other hand, they are action guides, and more importantly, they are also used to protect the keepers. Personal safety is essential. The panda is a beast and its fangs and strength kill a human effortlessly. Don’t the leaders of this zoo understand? Is he going to change the way animals are raised and use tools around the world?

In the picture, the keeper is training the big bear to stand upright, and he is also using tools. How different is this from the bamboo pole used by the Nuan Nuan keeper, and how different is the striking strength?

The keeper’s gentle beating of Nuan Nuan was posted online by tourists. Some netizens laughed and found it interesting. Some netizens went online and said it was abuse. This is not surprising. "There are hundreds of people, and they come in all shapes and sizes." There are many opinions and opinions. But this is really not abuse, and the vast majority of netizens can see it clearly.

One slap will cost you your job. Is this panda more valuable than your grandparents?

ScienceAttitude is the basic starting point in the professional field and must not be changed by the attitudes of individual netizens. Zoo managers should handle issues from the perspective of scientific breeding, respecting employees, caring for employees, and protecting human rights.

What is the basis for the leader of this zoo to permanently deprive the keeper of his right to raise giant pandas because of this behavior? How do people who have no principles or sense of right and wrong and only know how to cater to the opinions of some netizens and violate scientific attitudes and trample on the personal rights of employees become leaders?

To be honest, such a person must be flattering to his superiors and arrogant and unreasonable to his subordinates. Because he has no principles, no right or wrong, and his choices are based more on interests than on right or wrong. When such a person becomes a leader, it is harmful to the career and to the employees, and should be replaced resolutely without hesitation.