Pet Knowledge: Bloodshot eyes in cats may be due to the following reasons:

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When raising cats, it is relatively common for cats to have bloodshot eyes. But do you know the specific reasons for cats’ eye congestion? If you don’t know, the editor will give you some popular science, come and take a look!

1. External impact

If the cat’s eyes are severely impacted, the capillaries around the eyes will rupture, which will lead to congestion of the eyes. At the same time, the cat may be accompanied by conjunctiva, Damage to the cornea. In this regard, it is recommended that owners take their cats to the pet hospital for examination and treatment in time to prevent the cat from suffering from visual impairment and corneal rupture. At the same time, cats should also wear Elizabethan rings to prevent cats from scratching their eyes, which may cause infection and aggravate the condition.

Pet knowledge: Cat eyes are bloodshot, there may be the following reasons

2. Foreign body irritation

Cats Your eyes will also become bloodshot if they are irritated, such as shower gel getting into your eyes or other foreign objects irritating your eyes. In this regard, the owner can gently open the cat's eyes to check. If a foreign body is found, the foreign body can be washed out with saline, and then antibacterial and anti-inflammatory eye drops can be used.

3. Eye diseases

If the cat not only has bloodshot eyes, but also has symptoms such as tearing, not being able to open its eyes, and increased eye secretions, then the cat should consider it. It may be an eye disease such as conjunctivitis or keratitis. This situation is generally difficult to heal on its own, so it is recommended that the owner take the cat to the pet hospital for examination and treatment in time.

Pet-raising knowledge: Bloodshot eyes of cats may have the following reasons

Note: In daily feeding and management, owners should also Reduce the possibility of letting cats come into contact with unfamiliar pets and reduce the possibility of injuries to cats.