The girl happily took home her two-month-old kitten

Pet Other

Friends who like pets may all have a dream, that is, to live a life of both cats and dogs.

For those pet owners who love furry children from the bottom of their hearts, keeping a pet around them always feels like a kind of torture. Generally, capable pet owners will choose to keep a few more to relieve their boredom. .

However, raising a pet is as troublesome as raising a child. It requires a lot of time to take care of it, and it is also a test of the financial strength of the pet owner. Therefore, officials need to act according to their ability and proceed from the actual situation.

The girl happily took home her two-month-old kitten...

The next one The pet owner just blindly feeds the kitten, and the nightmare begins.

The kitten was brought home two and a half months ago and has been in contact with it for more than 20 days. They got along pretty well at first, but after getting familiar with each other for a while, they discovered that the little cat likes to bite the chassis wires very much.

So I hit him on the head several times. He still bites him occasionally, but when I reach out and try to touch him, I can’t touch him. I’ve also had diarrhea these days, and the poop is everywhere in the house. Wiping its butt and biting people to get away.

My sleep quality is quite poor, and I can’t fall asleep at the slightest sound. Originally, two days ago, he would go to bed with me when the time came, and it was very quiet. As a result, for the past two days, I haven't slept at all at night. Jumping up and down on the bed made me feel a little nervous.

I want to know that everyone has been through this, can you just wait for the cat to grow up? Now I feel like the kitten is a little distant from me. Now to be honest, I have a little bit of an idea of ​​selling the cat.

It’s not that I don’t love kittens, it’s just that I want a quieter kitten. Such a noisy kitten may not be suitable for me.

If I want to improve my relationship with my master, where should I start now? Faced with this pet owner's confusion, netizens left messages and gave answers.

@火狐: The way I deal with my cat is to control the food every day, after seven o'clock in the morning, noon, six o'clock in the afternoon, let it go crazy at night, and wait until I go to bed. Feed it a little in the room and close the door! It has always been good, and you can still tell who your ancestors are!

The girl happily took home her two-month-old kitten...

@彩色: Just beat her, my kitten won’t I picked it up 2 months ago, and now it is more than 7 months old. I have been beating it until now. Of course, it is not a brutal beating, but a spanking with a slipper. The main thing is to have enough momentum! The sound should be loud when filming! Look through the trash can , biting threads, pulling all kinds of things on the table to the floor, etc. have all been corrected.

Even when I wake up and do parkour, I still hold my hands and chew them, and I don’t like touching my belly. , although it is not bitten, it is quite painful. I have resigned myself to my fate, and I will wait and see what happens after sterilization.

@猫pet: Keep me in a cage, and throw it into the living room when I sleep at night, and I will continue like this It’s been a week and I’m sleeping soundly. You are the most important thing. You can’t let your sleep be delayed because of the kitten! I’ve had the kitten for almost two months. Once it’s mature, it’s very skinny every day. Now it’s crazy when playing with it. Normally, I’ll catch it. I can’t see him, but when he is tired from playing, he will come to me, lie on my lap, and take the initiative to nuzzle me and meow when I get home from work every day. You can’t spoil him too much. It’s just like raising a child. There are certain rules that should be followed. Especially the kittens, mine will be four months old soon.

The girl happily took home a two-month-old kitten...

The author thinks that it is normal for cats to have high energy for a few months. As adults, especially after neutering, they become much lazier.

My orange and white cat was locked up at night when he was a child, and during the day After he was released, he got used to being kept in the cage at night and had no choice but to sleep. Don't let him see people in the cage, otherwise he would keep barking. Now that he has grown up, he rarely locks him up. He sleeps 20 hours a day, and he also likes to sleep at night. I wake up, but as long as I have enough activities during the day, I go to the toilet and have a meal at night and then go back to sleep.

You must be patient when raising cats. It is difficult for cats to move around in the same room. You must understand Cats all go through this stage when they are young. Once they get older, they will get better. In a few years, they will become more experienced and they may not even pay attention to you if you tease them!