The little master is very busy studying for exams, but the pet cat is causing trouble nearby.

Pet Other

I am a person who loves cats. When I was studying, I really wanted to keep a cat, but my family didn’t allow it, so I didn’t get one. I was still in a pet shop at that time. I fell in love with a pet kitten, which was super cute. I wanted to buy it back and bring it to my dormitory to raise, but my roommate objected, so I never had the chance to raise one.

After graduation, I rented a house to live outside, and I never gave up the idea of ​​raising a cat. On the weekend, I went to the pet store and picked out a ragdoll cat. It was very beautiful. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. Its eyes were crystal clear, like gems.

The little master is very busy studying for exams, but the pet cat is causing trouble nearby

This long-haired little cat Cats, petting them at home every day is full of fun. Recently, there was a job competition opportunity in the company. If you pass the exam, you can officially become a full-time employee. Since I am still in the internship period, I also participated in the job competition, so I started intense review. Since I have to read a lot of books every day, I don't have much time to spend with the kitten. Seeing that I ignored him, he felt melancholy every day, staying alone on the balcony and looking at the scenery outside the window.

The little master is very busy studying for the exam, but the pet cat is causing trouble nearby

I am alone next to him Reading books and doing questions, but such quiet time did not last long. When I was doing questions that day, a clingy kitten ran over. At first, it just looked up at me in a cute way. You may be thinking, what on earth is the master busy with? He writes and draws in this book every day and ignores me. This pen and this book are my enemies. As long as I defeat them, the master will love me again.

The little master is busy studying for exams, but the pet cat is making trouble next to him

So, the kitten It started to take action, and it started to grab my book. Then it went too far, opened its small mouth, and started to chew my pen with its sharp teeth. I pushed it away, and after a while it started to bite my pen again. He came over and started biting my pen and kept disturbing me here. I had no choice but to stop and play with it for a while. After it fell asleep, I came back and continued to do the questions.

This clingy kitten, why doesn’t it let me study hard? When I compete for a job, we can earn more wages to buy better things for it. Maybe in the kitten In their eyes, the master’s companionship is more important than more things.

The little master is busy studying for the exam, but the pet cat is making trouble next to him

Okay, after I finish the exam, I will definitely spend more time with you, kitten. Let’s work hard together and move towards a better life. It turns out that I My decision was correct. Bringing you back really brought me a lot of happiness. For our future happy life, I will definitely work hard, and you must be obedient.