The shit-sweeper will never understand what’s going on in the cat’s head, the cat hums! fish-lipped humans

Pet Other

This is an era where everyone is sucking cats. Many people have begun to become cat poop scavengers. Cat cafes are popular. Netizens who don’t have cats are sucking cats on the netizen cloud. This shows how popular cats are among people. . But cats are also mysterious creatures. Many cat owners don’t understand what’s going on in their cats’ heads, and they always do incredible things.

The cat was startled by his tongue sticking out, and looked at his dead expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

Cat: "Huh? Why did my tongue... come out on its own... How do I get it back? A shit shovel? A shit shovel?"

The shit shoveler will never understand what's going on in the cat's head. Cat: Huh! Humans with fish lips

And this cat is The whole day seems to be at odds with my own tail. Are you a whirlwind charging tornado? Fortunately, the yard is big enough for you to walk around.

Cat: "I'm going to fight with my tail today! Either you die or I live!"

Pooper: "You just put on a piece of clothing! No. Paralyzed!"

Cat: "I am paralyzed when I put on clothes..."

This cat doesn't know what he is thinking, so he put such a big bowl of cat food , but he insisted on reaching into the bucket to eat. I don’t know whether to say that his eyesight is bad or that his limbs are well-developed.

I will never understand what is going on in a cat's head, Cat: Huh! Humans with fish lips

Pooper: "What should I do if my cat has very fishy lips? Waiting online, urgent."

Cat: "I am a killer without emotions, I come from the darkness , go out from the darkness again, no one knows who I am, I am super mysterious."

This cat is also very bold, and even danced "pole dance" in public, who is this? Why don't you take care of your cat at home?

Cat: "It's better to dance! It's better to dance than to eat dried fish!"

Cat: "Who is attacking me? Huh, fish-lipped human, are you the one attacking me? ?This kind of attackIt doesn't hurt, you are too weak. ”

The shit shoveler will never understand what is thinking in the cat's head. Cat: Humph! Fish-lipped humans

What the cat is thinking in his head may never be understood by the shit shoveler, but the cat may also be thinking about it in his heart. :"snort! Fish-lipped humans. "But it is precisely because of these cute behaviors of cats that they are so lively and cute. Have the cats in your house ever done something that made you dumbfounded? Please leave a message in the comment area for discussion. If you like this article If so, remember to give the editor a like.

Cat: "Seeing how happy we are, why don't you give the editor a like! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! ”