There are many types of cat litter, each with its own advantages.

Pet Other

The poop removers love all the advantages and disadvantages of cats, but there is one thing that they really discuss in the group. As for the deodorization of cat cakes, basically when this topic is mentioned, all the cat friends will be very emotional. After lamenting, there is no good way to solve it, and there will be no improvement. However, in order to reduce the smell of cat litter as much as possible, cat litter is very important. It can be said that choosing the right cat litter can make the cat smell less.

There are many types of cat litter, each with its own advantages

The most common cat litters on the market are divided into the following categories: log cat litter, tofu cat litter Sand, bentonite cat litter, crystal cat litter. Basically all of these cat litters on the market have been used, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but there is always one that is suitable.

Tofu cat litter can be said to be the most economical and affordable cat litter at present. Its raw materials are made of corn stalks and corn cobs. It is non-toxic and harmless. There was a time when little cats were learning cat litter. If you accidentally eat it, you will be starved for two days and then you will be fine. You can still eat and drink. Tofu cat litter melts when it comes in contact with water. It is a cat litter that is very suitable for people living in cities. You can directly shovel the used cat litter into the toilet and flush it down with water. Moreover, because tofu cat litter is made of plants, it can still absorb the odor of daddy, so it has a good ability to mask the odor. As long as you shovel the cat litter frequently, the smell will basically not be too great, but the disadvantage is that it is not very absorbent. If you urinate, it will become a puddle, but it is easy to shovel.

Log cat litter is a cat litter made of pressed wood chips and cannot be introduced into the toilet. However, because it is completely made of wood, it can mask the odor or deodorize it. Not bad, but less absorbent and more expensive.

Bentonite cat litter is also more economical and practical, and is now basically the type of cat litter used by scavengers. Bentonite clay contains more dust due to its material properties. During use, there will be more dust and it is easier for cats to carry it out. Moreover, cats’ noses are relatively sensitive, so it is not suitable for cats that sneeze frequently to dust. Bentonite clay has a strong water absorption effect, but it must be shoveled frequently. If a bag of bentonite clay has been used for a week or so, it must be replaced because its ability to absorb odor is relatively average. After the cat litter is buried in the litter, it will Other bentonite clays will also have a smell, so after using it for a long time, even if there is still a lot of bentonite clay, the smell will be stronger.

Crystal cat litter is about the same price as tofu cat litter or bentonite cat litter. Crystal cat litter is made of a special kind of twig silica gelThe crystal cat litter has a very good water absorption effect. When shoveling, only the poop balls can be scooped out. The urine will be directly absorbed by the crystal cat litter. The cat litter is originally transparent, but after being used for a long time, the cat litter turns yellow. , because it absorbs urine, the smell is okay when you first use it, but after using a pack of cat litter for a few days, the smell will be very strong, and all the urine smell will be concentrated, and it will become very smelly.

There are many types of cat litter, each with its own advantages

So when using it now, each single cat litter has its own advantages and disadvantages, you can try it The two kinds of cat litter are mixed together. The best effect after use is tofu cat litter and log cat litter used together. Tofu cat litter can quickly absorb moisture that logs cannot absorb, and log cat litter can deodorize well. .