Urgent fishing! Alligator gar found in central lake of Guangzhou university

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On April 11, a fishing operation was launched on the Shipai campus of China Normal University.After One day and one night, drained the lake water, hiding the alligator gar in the lake at the center of China Normal University ,Finally caught

Emergency fishing! Alligator found in the central lake of a university in Guangzhou Gar

April 11, Shipai Campus Cultural Plaza of East China Normal University A round-up operation for the invasive alien species "Alligator Gar" has been launched in Central Lake. This operation was led by the school's Logistics Management Office, with experts from the School of Life Sciences providing technical guidance and a team from Guangzhou Qianjiang Water Ecological Technology Co., Ltd. being hired to implement it.

A teacher from the School of Life Sciences accidentally discovered what looked like an alien species, the crocodile gar, in the central lake. Follow up in a timely manner and conduct professional confirmation, organize the pictures and video materials into a recommendation report and submit it to the school. The school logistics management office attaches great importance to it after receiving the report. After overall planning, the school is scheduled to start pumping water on April 10. After the water level reaches the expected target on the morning of April 11, a professional team will implement the fishing work according to the established plan.

At 10 a.m. on April 11, the water level in the deepest part of the lake had dropped below 1 meter, and there was silt at the bottom of the lake. The three areas exposed in large areas and with deeper water levels are basically determined to be the hiding places of the alligator gar.

Two professionals went down to the lake first to observe the environment, and then three other staff members also joined, forming a A five-person team formally trawls for the catch. About 20 minutes later, one was 1.26 meters long and weighed about 40 meters.A pound of crocodile gar was caught ashore, then put into a sack and properly wrapped with transparent tape. The team of Professor Zhao Jun from the School of Life Sciences will later prepare specimens for teaching and science promotion.

Emergency fishing! Alligator gar found in the central lake of a university in Guangzhou

According to on-site observations, the alligator gar caught this time has a long, flat mouth like a crocodile and has sharp teeth. It will cause great harm to other species in the pond and seriously affect the ecological balance of the school. At the fishing site, Professor Li Chao, a distinguished associate researcher at the School of Life Sciences of South China Normal University, pointed out that the eggs of this fish are highly toxic to humans and should not be eaten.

After the alligator gar was properly arranged, the team also conducted a 3-hour investigation of the central lake , and only after ensuring that there were no more similar "Big Macs" lurking in the lake, the fishing operation came to an end. In order to promote better ecological development of the central lake, the Logistics Management Office will clean and disinfect the silt in the lake to a certain extent. Therefore, other fish in the lake will also be caught, and some parts that affect the ecology and are harmful to the environment will be fished according to the guidance of experts. Water quality, fish that reproduce too quickly and are of low value are processed and optimized. After the cleaning work of the central lake is completed, fish such as koi with ornamental value and silver carp and bighead carp that are beneficial to aquatic ecology will be returned to the lake.

The Follow-up Logistics Management Office will work with the Provincial Water Conservancy and Hydropower Science Research Institute, the School of Life Sciences, and the School of Environment to adopt " Comprehensive ecological management methods such as micro-wetlands + flowering emergent plants + submerged aquatic plants + microorganisms + aquatic animals will improve the humanistic ecological environment of the campus. In the future, the central lake of the Cultural Plaza can also become a teaching and research site for subjects such as the School of Biological Sciences and the School of Environment, as well as a base for student practice and popular science education, to achieve long-term ecological environment tracking and protection.

During this fishing operation, the Logistics Management Office and the School of Life Sciences fully paid attention to people's livelihood, ecology, and the safety of teachers and students. Attention, quick response, high efficiency, close cooperation, and scientific rectification of the ecosystem of the central lake of our school play a very important role in maintaining the ecological harmony of our school, protecting the safety of our school personnel, and improving the ecological protection awareness of our school teachers and students. . School of Life Sciences and Professor Zhao JunThe team played a key role in the alligator gar incident, which reflects the good achievements of the School of Life Sciences in the construction of the biology discipline of our school, and fully embodies the goal positioning of discipline construction to serve the society, serve the development of our school, and serve teachers and students.