What kind of cat litter material is better to use? 4 major categories to choose from!

Pet Other

Raising a cat may seem simple, but when you get started you will find that there are so many things to prepare for! Among other things, cat litter must be prepared. Otherwise, would you let the cat share the same toilet with you? Don’t be silly, the cat owner’s requirements are different from yours! Nowadays, there are all kinds of cat litters on the market, and it’s easy to be spoiled for choice. So what kind of cat litter material is better to use? Which cat litter is healthier? Today we will take a look at these 4 major types of cat litter on the market!

What material of cat litter is easier to use? 4 major types Choose!

What material of cat litter is better to use?

1. Crystal cat litter

The main component of crystal cat litter is silica, so it is also called silica gel litter. It has the characteristics of larger particles and lighter weight, which is easier for us to handle, but it is very unfriendly to cats. It will be more painful for cats to step on it, and the use experience is seriously negative!

As for the performance, it has good water absorption, but it will turn yellow over time, which is very unsightly; the clumping property is very bad, and the cat’s stool is difficult to deal with, but the deodorizing performance is good. Superb!

The most important point! What should I do if my cat accidentally eats such beautiful cat litter? Cat litter whose main component is silica is not healthy for cats!

2. Bentonite cat litter

Bentonite cat litter is the most popular cat litter! The composition of this cat litter is closest to normal sand, and may be more acceptable to cats.

Speaking of performance, bentonite cat litter has good water absorption and clumping properties, but its deodorizing ability is average and it may not be able to suppress the smell of cat feces! This bentonite cat litter is high quality and cheap, but it’s very heavy and can’t be flushed directly into the toilet!

Are there any disadvantages to this cat litter? have! Bentonite cat litter has a relatively large amount of dust, which is very unfriendly to some special cats, including cats with flat faces or cats with sensitive noses, such as Garfield cats. Long-term use of bentonite cat litter will affect the respiratory tract of such cats!

3. Pine cat litter

Pine cat litter is the most recognized type of cat litter, but this kind of cat litter is quite special when used and needs to be paired with a pair of cat litters. A layer of cat litter box will do. why? This is about the characteristics of pine cat litter. Pine cat litter has excellent clumping properties and turns into powder when it encounters water. Therefore, it can be regarded as an alternative "wet and dry separation" for pet owners. ”, it was very easy to handleConvenience!

Except for being a little expensive in terms of price, this cat litter has no problem with its performance!

4. Tofu cat litter

As you can see from the name, tofu cat litter is made of tofu, but it is just tofu dregs that we have always disliked. , but this kind of "rotten project" is very good! Very environmentally friendly!

Tofu cat litter has good clumping properties and is easy to handle; when it gets dirty, you can flush it directly into the toilet and it will automatically dissolve, making it very friendly to pet owners! Because of the material, the deodorizing ability of tofu cat litter is still good. After all, it has a bean flavor.

What material of cat litter is easier to use? 4 major types Choose!

The issue to note is that the summer weather In hot and humid conditions, there is a possibility that insects will grow!

What material of cat litter is easier to use? Today we have introduced to you several types of cat litter made of different materials. Everyone has their own preference. There will always be a cat litter that is suitable for your cat owner. You don’t have to care about everyone’s opinions. After all, cats know whether it is comfortable or not. The cat has the final say! If you have any good suggestions, please leave a message below the article for interactive communication.