Why do cats lick their bodies like crazy? It doesn't have to be grooming

Pet Other

Cats are very clean animals and will lick the hair on their bodies for the purpose of grooming and self-cleaning. However, some friends find that their cats lick their own bodies very frequently, and they are a little worried about this. So why do cats lick their bodies like crazy? What should I do if my cat licks its own body like crazy? Next, let’s take a look at why cats lick their bodies crazily.

Why does a cat lick its body like crazy? It's not necessarily It's grooming

1. Too much pressure

Cats are very sensitive creatures. If a new environment is suddenly changed or strange people and animals appear in the home, the cat will become extremely uneasy and lick its body crazily to reduce blood pressure. In this regard, the owner needs to comfort the cat and relieve its nervousness, such as gently stroking the cat's head and back with hands, placing the cat in a safe and hidden place to rest, etc.

2. Eliminate odors

Cats will lick their bodies and use saliva to clean up and cover up the odor if they are exposed to a smell they don’t like or if their bodies are dirty. This is a normal phenomenon, and as long as the cat has no other abnormalities, the owner does not need to worry too much.

3. Physical injuries

Because wounds will cause pain to cats, and the wounds will itch during the healing process, cats will lick the wounds frequently to relieve discomfort. Therefore, owners can carefully check the areas frequently licked by cats. If wounds are found, they need to be cleaned and disinfected in time and treated with anti-inflammatory drugs.

4. Skin diseases

If a cat suffers from skin diseases, because of itchy skin, the cat will lick its body crazily to relieve the discomfort, and it will also be accompanied by skin irritation. Redness, hair loss, dandruff and other symptoms. Therefore, owners can check it out. Once they find that their cat has the above symptoms, they need to consult a pet doctor for medication and treatment in time.

Why does a cat lick its body like crazy? It's not necessarily grooming

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