How to choose cat litter? Find out the following points to choose the best cat litter for your cat owner

Pet Other

Many cat owners have reported that cat litter is their biggest headache at the moment. I use it every day, and I can’t even hide from it. Either I bought one that doesn’t clump and doesn’t deodorize, or I chose one that has a sticky bottom and is easy to take out. What’s more, the cat simply refuses to use it.

How to choose cat litter? Find out the following points to help you Domestic cat owners choose the most suitable cat litter< /p>

It is true that all cat lovers are worried. For the cat owners at home, you not only have to provide them with good food and drink every day, but you also have to shovel their feces and pour urine for them all day long. Cat litter has naturally become one of the indispensable items for raising cats. A good cat litter can cultivate good defecation habits in cats, and can also reduce the worries of cat owners about shoveling poop and save energy.

There are many types of cat litter on the market. Cat litter can be divided into large particles and small particles, scented and unscented, and the material of the cat litter is also the same. Each one is different. Therefore, for many novice cat owners, facing these dazzling arrays of cat litter, they may indeed seem a bit at a loss. Today, the author will teach you about several common cat litters currently on the market, and help you choose a suitable cat litter for your cats.

Types of cat litter

◆Crystal litter

Crystal cat litter is also called silica gel cat litter. It is a new type of material synthesized. Its main component is silica, which is non-toxic, tasteless, insoluble in water and has high adsorption properties. Compared with the previous clay cat litter, it has unparalleled advantages and is a pet waste cleaner that is very suitable for domestic cats.

Instructions for use:

Use with a double-layer cat litter box. Layer crystal cat litter with a thickness of about 5cm on the upper layer. If there is too much crystal cat litter, it will easily be eaten by the cat. Dial it out. Crystal cat litter will directly absorb the water in the cat's urine and feces, and the color will change from the previous transparent color to dark yellow. There is no need to clean up the urine, just shovel out the poop. When 80% of the cat litter has turned dark yellow, the cat litter needs to be replaced.


1. Strong deodorizing ability, large and fast water absorption. The appearance can also remain dry.

2. No dust. It is beneficial to the cat's respiratory system and urinary system, and is not easy to take out.

3. Good antibacterial ability and long-lasting effect.


1. The price is relatively high and the use cost is high.

2. The cat litter does not clump, so it is impossible to observe the amount and frequency of the cat's urination, and it is difficult to grasp the cat's health status.

3. For cat lovers in the city, you need to distinguish what kind of garbage the used crystal cat litter belongs to.

◆Paper sand

Cat paper sand is a mixture of paper pulp, silica gel powder, high molecular polymer, natural deodorant and antibacterial agent.

How to use:

It also needs to be used with a double-layer cat litter box. The upper layer is covered with paper sand, and the lower layer can be used with other cat litter. The upper layer has no time to absorb it. And the urine that leaked down. After absorption, the cat paper sand will appear gray, just clean out the discolored parts.


1. No dust, easy to clean even if the cat takes it out.

2. Healthy, no odor, and allergies are rare.

3. Environmentally friendly, it can be poured directly into the toilet and flushed away.


1. The deodorizing ability is relatively weak.

2. Poor coagulation effect.

◆Tofu cat litter

Tofu cat litter is made of tofu residue, starch, pea residue, etc. It can be said to be "food grade" cat litter, for those who like to play with it For cats who use cat litter, the safety performance is relatively high, and it is not a big problem if they accidentally eat it occasionally (of course, you still have to stop it if you find it).

Instructions for use:

When it comes to the choice of cat litter box, single or double layers are acceptable. The author recommends single layer. Because of its good clumping ability, when the cat excretes, just remove the lumps.


1. Less dust, healthy and safe. It is made from tofu residue, etc., so it is okay to eat a small amount by mistake.

2. The particles are larger and difficult to bring out.

3. Light weight and easy to clean. Can be flushed directly into the toilet.


1. Easy to sink to the bottom and sticky cat litter shovel.

2. Improper storage is prone to deterioration and insect infestation.

3. It feels bad to cats’ feet, and some cats don’t like the natural smell of tofu cat litter.

◆Wooddust cat litter

Wooddust cat litter is mainly made of pine wood, paper pulp or wheat straw as raw materials. It is also an environmentally friendly cat litter, with small dust and easy to use. Causes air pollution, and after absorbing urine, it will turn into powder and disperse.

How to use:

It is recommended to use it with a double-layer cat litter box. The upper layer is paved with sawdust cat litter, and the lower layer receives the powdered cat litter and the unabsorbed cat litter. urine.


1. The natural fragrance of wood has a deodorizing effect.

2. Low loss and long use time.

3. Good water absorption and less dust.


1. The coagulation power and deodorizing ability will weaken as the length of use increases.

2. Scattered sawdust powder easily adheres to the cat’s hair, especially long-haired cats.

3. It is susceptible to moisture, deterioration and insect infestation.

◆Bentonite cat litter

The main component of bentonite cat litter is a clay mineral called montmorillonite. Its shape is mainly irregular spherical particles and its color is mostly gray-white. It is the most common cat litter currently on the market. It has strong adsorption capacity, even urine can be absorbed and condensed into lumps.

How to use:

It can be used with a single-layer cat litter box. Pour the cat litter into the cat litter box, about 4cm, and shovel out the clumped cat litter each time. , and then add new cat litter, but if you are afraid that the cat will scratch the cat litter, it is recommended that you choose to use a double-layer cat litter box or a semi-enclosed cat litter box.


1. The deodorizing ability is very good, because the cat litter is heavy and can cover the feces.

2. Excellent clumping ability, easy to distinguish uncontaminated cat litter and easy to clean.

3. The foot feel is closest to the feeling of real sand, and cats are highly accepting of it.

4. Low price, saving the cost of raising cats.


1. The particles are small and can be easily taken out by cat’s claws, so the chance of accidental ingestion is high.

2. The dust is large and threatens the cat’s respiratory system.

3. Do not pour it into the toilet and flush it away. It is non-recyclable garbage.

Several factors to consider when choosing cat litter

1. Smell

There are many cat litters now, in order to better cover up the smell of cat feces , some chemical ingredients will be added to improve the deodorizing ability of cat litter. We all know that cats have a very sensitive sense of smell, which is nearly a hundred times higher than that of humans. If the smell in the cat litter is too strong, it will stimulate the cat's sense of smell, and many chemical added flavors are not good for the cat's health. Therefore, it is recommended that when choosing cat litter, you should try to choose odorless or lighter-smelling cat litter.

2. In terms of dust

Cat owners should all know that cats have the habit of burying their own feces after defecating. At this time, if the cat litter used is relatively dusty, it will easily cause dust. If these dusts are accidentally inhaled by cats, they can easily cause lung infections and respiratory infections, endangering the cats' health.

3. In terms of the touch of cat paws

What cats are most accustomed to is the touch of real sand outdoors, which is why bentonite cat litter is so deeply loved by cat owners. Therefore, when choosing cat litter, you should choose one with moderate particle size and a certain weight. If the litter is too large or heavy, it will be more difficult for the cat to bury it in the landfill. Over time, the cat will give up on the landfill.

4. In terms of clumping

Cat litter with good clumping ability can quickly form the cat's excrement into clumps, making it easy to clean. If the clumping ability is poor and it is easy to disperse during cleaning, it will be difficult to completely remove the cat's excrement, and the residual smell in the litter box will become heavier and heavier, and the cat will eventually dislike it and refuse to use it.

How to choose cat litter? Understand the following points to choose the most suitable cat litter for your cat owner

Conclusion: No cat litter is perfect. The best way to choose cat litter is based on the cat's preferences and habits. The most correct approach. And after choosing a type of cat litter, do not change the type or even brand of cat litter at will. Because cats are more sensitive to new things, serious cases may cause cats not to use the litter box. Even if To change, it should be done step by step just like changing cat food, so that the cat can adapt to the new cat litter. Remember, choosing the right one is the best for the cat!