How to choose the right cat litter for your cat? Let me analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the ingredients for you!

Pet Other

Cat litter is both a necessity and a consumable for raising cats. I believe cat litter officials are very clear about the importance of cat litter to cats.

How to choose suitable cat litter for cats? From ingredients, advantages, Let me show you the shortcomings analysis!

The most important things that most cat-raising families pay attention to when choosing cat litter are that it has no peculiar smell, is easy to clean, is safe and non-toxic, and of course, it is best to be economical~

Then poop scrapers know why cats Use cat litter?

The ancestors of cats lived in the desert. In order to avoid natural enemies and cover their whereabouts, they would bury their feces in sand with local materials after excreting.

Domestic cats have slowly integrated into the social environment through human domestication, but the behavior of burying feces has been engraved in their genes.

Nowadays, the market is flooded with various types of cat litter. Each cat litter manufacturer claims that their products can absorb odors, have good clumping properties, and are beneficial to the health of cats. In addition to the original bentonite clay and tofu sand, there are also Internet celebrity crystal sand, log cat litter, corn cat litter, etc...

The cat litter on the market is not It's perfect, but the quality is also uneven. Poor-quality cat litter can even induce urinary tract diseases in cats. A large amount of dust may also affect the cat's respiratory and digestive systems.

So it is very important to choose a suitable cat litter to serve the cat owner. Next, we will conduct a detailed analysis of the mainstream types of cat litter on the market.

1. Bentonite cat litter

Main ingredients: bentonite.

Bentonite cat litter is cat litter made from mineral soil, clay, sand, etc.

Advantages: Bentonite cat litter has strong water absorption, is easy to clump, has good odor absorption effect, and is easier to clean. After the cat urinates, bentonite clay can quickly absorb the water in the cat's poop and form a large hard ball. After the clumps are removed, you can continue to add new cat litter without replacing all the cat litter.

Bentonite cat litter includes round sand and long sand. Compared with round sand, long sand has slightly worse clumping properties. However, the particles of long strips of sand are larger than those of round sand, so the chances of bringing them out of the cat litter box are relatively better. Cheap, affordable and durable, it is loved by most cat parents.

In addition, bentonite clay can best restore the original living environment of cats, so it is more popular with cats than other cat litters.

Disadvantages: The dust is relatively large. Long-term use may cause the cat’s nose to become sensitive, causing frequent sneezing and respiratory irritation.Suction tract is affected. It has poor environmental protection, and the particles are small and easy to take out, which adds a lot of additional cleaning tasks. The deodorizing effect is far inferior to cat litter made of other materials such as tofu litter. Also, it cannot be flushed into the toilet.

2. Tofu cat litter

Main ingredients: tofu residue.

Tofu cat litter is mainly made of tofu residue as raw material to make long strips of cat litter.

Advantages: Since tofu sand is made from tofu residue, it has good clumping properties, is healthy and environmentally friendly, has less dust, deodorizes and inhibits bacteria, has good odor masking effect, and can be flushed directly into the toilet. It is popular among many families. accept.

Disadvantages: The price is relatively high, and the deodorizing effect is directly proportional to the price of cat litter. The deodorizing and clumping abilities will decrease over time, and the cat litter needs to be replaced once a week. Some cats are indifferent to tofu cat litter and are unwilling to use it. And there may be a slight beany smell after being damp.

3. Crystal cat litter

Main ingredient: silica.

Silica is a commonly used desiccant, and the material itself is non-toxic.

Advantages: Crystal cat litter is affordable, has good appearance and does not clump. It has good water absorption and will change color after absorbing cat urine, but it will still remain dry and dust-free. Once most of the cat litter has changed color, you can replace it with new litter. Crystal cat litter usually has fragrance added, so it has strong absorbency and good deodorizing effect. Because the particles are slightly larger, they are not easily taken out of the litter box by cats.

Disadvantages: The particles are relatively large, and cats may step in and squish their feet. The fragrance will be relatively strong, which may be rejected by some cats, and its adsorption capacity will also decrease after being left for a long time. Although the material itself is non-toxic, silica is not easily digested and highly absorbent, making it dangerous for cats to accidentally eat it.

4. Pine cat litter

Main ingredients: pine, hay, corn cobs, etc.

Pine cat litter is cat litter mainly made from pine wood and hay.

Advantages: Pine cat litter is often in the form of long, large particles that are difficult for cats to take out of the litter box. It has its own pine wood scent and strong water absorption ability. The dust is small and will expand into powder after absorbing water, which can be flushed directly into the toilet.

Disadvantages: Due to the smell of sawdust, the particles are larger and the cat feels rough. Pine cat litter is difficult to take care of and will spread out after absorbing urine. Unlike clumping cat litter, you only need to fish out the large pieces. If it is difficult to take care of, it needs to be used with a double-layer cat litter box. In addition, pine cat litter is not very effective at absorbing odors and can easily breed bacteria when the weather is humid, so it must be cleaned in time.

5. Paper cat litter

Main ingredients: paper.

As the name suggests, confetti cat litter is cat litter mainly made of paper-based materials.

Advantages: Confetti cat litter is light in weight, soft in texture, has strong water absorption capacity, does not clump, and has no dust. The color will change after absorbing urine, making it easy to distinguish. It has few chemical components, is natural and environmentally friendly, and can be flushed directly into the toilet.

How to choose the right cat litter for cats? Let me analyze it from the ingredients, advantages and disadvantages!

Disadvantages: relatively expensive, weak coagulation, some products tend to turn into paste after absorbing water, have average odor absorption capabilities, and may easily make some poop shovelers feel psychologically uncomfortable when cleaning.

It is recommended that all scavengers combine their own economic conditions and family environment to choose cat litter suitable for their owners.