A golden retriever dog with bruises and severe skin disease was very happy after being rescued

Pet News

Speaking of golden retrievers, I believe most people are not too unfamiliar with them. After all, as one of the common guide dogs, companion dogs, and working dogs, they are extremely friendly in terms of personality and attitude towards strangers. It is precisely because of this characteristic that they have become one of the few large and medium-sized dog breeds that are not prohibited from being kept in most cities. And with their good IQs, they not only allow owners to enjoy the fun of raising pets, but at the same time, after being trained accordingly, they can also help their owners do what they can do.

A golden retriever with bruises and severe skin disease was rescued. The dog was so happy

So, no Few people are deeply fascinated by them, especially after people have seen on the Internet how smart and sensible golden retrievers raised by others are. Naturally, many people want to own a similar pet. pursuit. As more and more people want to raise them, the number of breeders breeding and cultivating golden retrievers will naturally increase. The large number of newborn golden retrievers has also made this once valuable dog slowly become a pet that most people can afford. Therefore, the number of people raising them is also increasing.

There is a kind-hearted man in Zhejiang who often rescues stray animals, because he often helps those stray animals in the local area. As time goes by, many kind-hearted people who care about the living conditions of stray animals find that these stray animals When looking for animals, he will also take the initiative to contact me. On this day, this young man received a message asking for help from a kind-hearted local lady. The eldest sister told the younger brother that a stray golden retriever dog recently came to their place. Because the golden retriever had multiple wounds on its body and emitted a foul odor, the nearby villagers didn't like it very much. The eldest sister, out of sympathy for it, temporarily kept it in a place away from the crowd, so that it could have a shelter from wind and rain.

The golden retriever with bruises and severe skin disease was rescued and was so happy

However, the eldest sister I still need to take care of children, and I don’t know how to raise a dog.Faced with such a golden retriever, the elder sister had no way to cure it. In desperation, the elder sister found the contact information of the younger brother, and then contacted the younger brother, hoping that the younger brother could come to their place as soon as possible and treat the golden retriever. Dog taken away. After receiving the message for help from the eldest sister, the younger brother immediately went to the place where the eldest sister placed the stray golden retriever according to the address provided by the eldest sister. After the younger brother arrived at the scene, under the leadership of the elder sister, the younger brother found the golden retriever curled up in a corner hiding from the rain in a nearby place filled with black plastic bags.

After the eldest sister called out the golden retriever, the younger brother discovered that the golden retriever was in very bad condition. Not only did it have serious skin diseases, but also When checking the dog's condition, the brother also found that there were many wounds on the dog's body, and many of these wounds had begun to ooze pus. However, from the dog's wounds, the little brother could not tell for a while whether it was caused by a serious skin disease or a malicious injury... Looking at the miserable condition of this golden retriever, I saw a lot of stray animals. The little brother who has experienced various situations can’t help but feel sad for what happened to this golden retriever.

The golden retriever dog with bruises and severe skin disease was rescued and was so happy

But the little dog was so happy What I didn't expect was that this golden retriever did not alienate humans at all because of its past experiences. Even though it was just the first time he met his little brother, this golden retriever showed great enthusiasm. As for the kind-hearted elder sister who has been taking care of it for a while, this golden retriever treats her as its own master. After seeing the golden retriever and checking the dog's condition, the little brother chatted with the kind-hearted lady for a while. After learning some things about the golden retriever, the little brother took the golden retriever with him. Go back and take it to the pet hospital as soon as possible.

After arriving at the pet hospital, because the dog’s skin disease was too serious, the pet doctor also trimmed the dog’s hair immediately, and then made corresponding treatment according to the dog’s condition. Treatment. However, because the treatment of skin diseases is a relatively long process, and the skin disease of this golden retriever is particularly serious, after discussing with the little brother, the little brother decided to temporarily keep it in the pet hospital for corresponding treatment. In the next few days, I would come to the pet hospital from time to time to check on the treatment of this golden retriever.

The golden retriever dog with bruises and severe skin diseases, the dog was very happy after being rescued

Fortunately, after the pet doctor confirmed the dog's condition, he also had a targeted treatment plan. As the treatment progressed, the dog The golden retriever's skin that originally fell off at the slightest touch has gradually improved. Although it will take a lot of time to fully heal, it has improved significantly now. Therefore, when the little brother takes it out for a walk At this time, this golden retriever was obviously very happy. Not only would he please his little brother, but he would also happily roll on the ground when he went out...