A stray cat that has been hurt by someone still chooses to trust humans and drags its stumps with people to ask for help.

Pet News

In the past few days, the author has always received messages from some friends in the background, asking me to talk about the "Jack Spicy Cat Abuse" incident.

To be honest, I consider myself a person with a pretty good mental capacity, but regarding the "Jack Spicy Strips" incident, I was shocked just by looking at the text description and the coded pictures. I don't have the courage to click on the video.

It is unimaginable that a positive blogger with hundreds of thousands of followers on the Internet would kill a life without changing his mind, and even shamelessly asked netizens to give him a chance to change his ways. Who will die? A chance for a kitten? What did the tortured kitten do wrong?

What is sad is that in many invisible corners, there are still people who are extending their sinful hands to small animals.

A stray cat that has been hurt by others still chooses to trust humans, dragging its stump to ask for help

A stray cat dragging a broken leg for help

A young lady from Nanjing City was sitting on the steps of a park to rest when she noticed a stray cat in the distance. The young lady herself was a poop scraper. I have two cats at home. When I saw this little ball of hair, I couldn’t help but call "cat" several times.

Unexpectedly, after the little guy heard the human call, he ran directly towards the little sister without the slightest concern. It’s just that the cat’s walking posture looked a bit strange, limping. Could it be that this little guy Is your leg injured?

After seeing the appearance of the furry child clearly, the young lady’s heart couldn’t help but ache. The cat’s left front leg seemed to be fractured, and its claws were bent at ninety degrees, hanging weakly like a rag. .

Every time this cat takes a step, the broken leg rubs against the ground. It’s hard to imagine how painful it must be! Even so, the little guy still dragged his stumpy leg and stumbled towards the little sister, nuzzling her hand with his head and coquettishly.

A stray cat that has been hurt by others still chooses to trust humans, dragging its stump to ask for help

At that time, there were many people walking in the park, and no one cared about a homeless stray cat.But the sister couldn't turn a blind eye. She asked her family to bring the cat bag and took the furry child to the pet hospital.

It’s a pity that the nerves in the cat’s left front leg have been completely necrotic. The leg cannot be saved and the only option is amputation. To break a leg to such an extent must be caused by a very strong external force. .

General car accidents and falling from buildings can not only cause fractures, but also cause internal bleeding. However, this little guy had no other external injuries except his leg injury. The pet doctor speculated that the little guy’s leg was probably injured. Interrupted.

I thought that the little guy would be depressed for a while after losing a leg, but I didn’t expect that this cat’s vitality would be so tenacious, and it still ate voraciously.

Even though it has only three legs, it does not affect its activities at all. It looks no different from a normal cat.

A stray cat that has been hurt by others still chooses to trust humans, dragging its stump and asking for help

In the end, this lucky three-legged cat was adopted by the girl who rescued it. Every day, it only eats and drinks, and sleeps. The cat is extremely happy.

After being lost for many days, a pet cat came back covered with injuries

It should be a happy thing to find a lost pet cat, but a poop scraper in Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province is not happy about it. Can't get up.

Not long ago, due to the negligence of the scavenger, the pet cat at home was lost. Every day after that, the family was looking for the whereabouts of the little guy. Finally, they found the cat collapsed next to a trash can. Earth’s cat.

At that time, the scavenging officer and his family were all immersed in the joy of recovering the lost cat. They did not notice anything wrong with the cat's condition. They only saw that there seemed to be blood on the corner of the furry child's mouth.

They simply thought that the little guy might have had a fight with a stray cat in the community. After careful inspection at home, they found that in addition to the wound on the mouth, the cat’s two front paws were bent and deformed. There were also cuts on the hind legs.

The poop scraper quickly took the cat to the pet hospital. Because the injury lasted too long, the cat’s front legs had already been shaped and could not be restored to their original shape.

The shit shovel officer originally wanted to find out which demon caused the kitten to look like this by calling up the surveillance video. Unfortunately, the surveillance video of the community has been covered.

A stray cat that has been hurt by a human still chooses to trust humans and drags its stump to ask for help.

The shit-sweeper posted the video of the cat online and called on everyone not to harm stray animals. However, the words in the comment area made everyone take a breath.< /p>

The scars on the cat’s body look more like someone hung it up by its mouth with a hook, and then tied it from its feet with wires. It’s probably because the little guy was clever and escaped on his own. If that’s the case, That’s too scary. What did that person do by kidnapping a cat? Will other cats be treated so cruelly?

Pet cats whose lives are not as good as those of stray cats

< p>The experiences of the two cats above were all inflicted on them by outsiders. Will a cat with an owner be happy? That is not necessarily true. The harm caused by the owner to the pet cat will be more unforgettable.

A kitten was tied by a rope in a yard full of debris. Its home was just a small old cardboard box, and its food was only spoiled leftovers.

When someone approached this cat, the little guy huddled up in fear, with unhidden horror in his eyes.

This is a pet cat with an owner, but its Life is worse than that of a stray cat. The owner’s only purpose of raising it is to catch mice. Once the mice are caught by the cat, the little guy loses his freedom and is tied up in the yard with a short rope all year round.

A young lady passing by found it. The lady also keeps cats. In her impression, pet cats should not live like this. One of the cat’s eyes seems to be inflamed, but the owner does not want to treat it. .

In the end, the young lady and her friends spent money to buy the cat, and took the furry kid to a pet hospital for a checkup. Fortunately, the eye problem was not serious, but the film showed that the little guy was suffering from long-term malnutrition. Lack of exercise, severe bending of the joints, but fortunately, it can be gradually improved through calcium supplementation in the later period.

The external scars can be healed slowly, but the fear of humans deep in the furry child's heart cannot be healed overnight. Even if there is food and drink in the new home, the cat will still hide in the corner and look around warily.

The stray cat that has been hurt by people still chooses to trust humans and drags its broken leg with it. Legs and people asking for help

The new owner is patient enough and stays with the cat without any complaints for one month, two months, and three Yue...it finally comes to peopleThe human opened his heart and became a docile kitten. Every time he looked into his owner's eyes, there was deep love.

These three kittens are lucky. They successfully escaped from the clutches of the "devil". Unfortunately, there are countless small animals who are being harmed by bad people.

The reason why they are so unscrupulous is because they feel that even if their evil deeds are exposed, they will not be punished and no one will support these idiots.

Little animals can’t speak, they can’t speak for themselves, but we as humans can! These bad behaviors are not only morally condemned. We insist on calling for animal protection laws. I believe that as long as we insist on speaking out, our voices will one day be heard.