After the stray cat was injured, he ran to the pet hospital for help. My cat was in so much pain, could you help me?

Pet News

The Chinese Garden Cat has a strong physique and strong adaptability to the environment. It is an excellent local cat breed in my country, but it is also the most common breed among stray cats.

Garden cats have stable genes and strong tolerance. This does not mean that they will not be injured or sick. You must know that the average life span of stray cats is only 3 years, and there are many factors affecting diet, disease, climate, and accidents. Accidents...are all responsible for the short lifespan of stray cats.

Strong and independent stray cats will generally not seek help from humans unless they are cornered.

Have you ever had the experience of being asked for help by a stray cat? If an injured stray cat came to you for help, would you choose to ignore it or lend a helping hand?

After the stray cat was injured, he ran to the pet hospital for help. Cat: I'm in so much pain, can you help me?

Stray cats who came to the pet hospital for help

In a pet hospital in Turkey, an uninvited guest came, a limping orange cat. The front desk staff After waiting for a long time, the cat owner has not yet appeared.

Did someone leave this cat at the door of the pet hospital? The little guy saw that the door was open and walked in on his own?

In order to find out the truth, the staff checked the surveillance video at the door, but were surprised to find that the cat actually ran to the pet hospital for help on its own!

The little guy's figure first appeared on the road opposite the hospital. It dragged its residual leg and carefully avoided the surrounding vehicles. Taking advantage of the gap between the cars, it came to the opposite side of the road in one go.

The furry child first squatted on the sidewalk and inspected it, seeming to observe which store on this street could help him. Finally, after determining his destination, the cat went straight to the pet hospital. Go to the door.

Even the pet doctor was extremely surprised by the cat's behavior. Some people said that the cat had probably been to this hospital for treatment before, so it took the initiative to come to the hospital after being injured this time. Hospital for help.

After the stray cat was injured, he ran to the pet hospital for help. Cat: I'm in so much pain, can you help me??

But the doctor at the hospital said that it had treated many orange cats, but those cats had owners, and he was not sure whether he had seen this one. A cat.

Currently, the cat has been admitted to the hospital. Fortunately, the little guy’s leg was only a muscle strain and not broken. After the cat recovers, the pet hospital will help it find a suitable adoptive home. .

This cat is very smart. After he was injured, he knew how to go to the pet hospital for help. The cat below is also very smart, but he is not so lucky.

A stray cat rejected by a pet hospital

A cat was lying listlessly at the door of a pet hospital with its head hanging down and shaking its head. There were dots of blood around its feet.

This is a picture taken by a delivery boy. According to the boy, the cat was hit by a car while crossing the road. The little guy dragged his mutilated body and used his last remaining strength to crawl to the door of the pet hospital.

Cat: I hurt so much, can anyone help me?

You can see this cat through the glass of the hospital door, but the pet hospital chose to turn a blind eye.

The little brother was in a hurry to deliver food and had no time to take care of the kitten. He still couldn't bear it, so he took a video of the cat lying in front of the pet store asking for help and posted it online.

A local A friend saw this video and forwarded it to the animal rescue group. A kind lady in the group took the cat away from the hospital gate and sent it to another pet hospital.

After the stray cat was injured, he ran to the pet hospital for help. Cat: I'm in so much pain, can you help me?

Unfortunately, the cat's situation is not optimistic. The cat's urethra is seriously damaged and it is very difficult to cure. The local pet doctor suggested that the girl Put it to rest.

The little sister didn’t want to give up the furry baby, so she sent the little guy to a hospital in the city for treatment. After seeing the film, the doctor told the little sister that surgery was needed to find the damaged urethra of the furry baby. If the location was good, It can be repaired, but the surgery fee is not a small sum.

There are still many good people in this world. Friends in the rescue group voluntarily donated money for the cat, barely scraping together enough for the little guy’s surgery fee.< /p>

Before the operation, the pet doctor told the girl that the cat might not be able to sleep on the operating table, so she should be mentally prepared in advance.

Fortunately, the cat is very impressive, and the doctor’s skills They are also very skilled. The surgery was very successful. The follow-up treatment is a long process and there are still many small questions.Problem to be solved.

My furry baby has already gone through so many challenges, and I believe it will only get better and better in the future. The little guy behaves in the same way. Even though he has a catheter inserted in his body, he still eats a lot. He wants to have a good meal. Live, live hard!

I hope this cat can recover soon, find a warm home, and live happily. I would also like to thank the kind-hearted people the little guy met along the way: the delivery boy, the girl who took him home, the kind-hearted friends in the rescue group... It was you who gave the furry child a new lease of life.

The cats and dogs abandoned in the pet hospital

After the stray cat was injured, he ran to the pet hospital for help. Cat: I'm in so much pain. Can you help me?

What do you think of pet hospitals that reject cats? Personally, I think this is just a choice. The hospital is indeed not a charity and has no obligation to rescue stray cats and dogs.

A friend of mine who is a pet doctor said that pet hospitals often encounter such things. What’s more, some owners just leave their sick cats and dogs in the hospital because they think the cost of treatment is high. Just left.

Friends Hospital’s approach is to treat the fur baby if it can be cured, find adoption for the fur baby after it is cured, and euthanize the fur baby if it is not cured, because after all, it is a life.

Perhaps different pet hospitals have different ways of handling this situation! I don’t know what everyone thinks about this. Please leave your opinions in the comment area.