The cat's courtship at home was rejected, and the whole cat was in bad shape. The owner ruined everything when he got fat, and it was his own fault.

Pet News

Netizen's narration:

There is a cat owner in my family. Like cats in other homes, this guy has reached a turning point in his life since he was neutered. In the past, this guy's peak was 6 years old. Jin, but now, this guy weighs 16 kilograms, and he can't lose weight at all. He will get anxious if he feeds him less food. I thought this guy would just spend his time like this, but I didn't expect that today, this guy would go out with others. The cat at home confessed!

The cat at home was rejected for courtship, and the whole cat is in bad shape. Master: Being fat will ruin everything, and you will bring it upon yourself

Although our cat owner has a brave heart, it is obvious that other people’s cats are not so easy to coax. This guy failed to confess his love and came back dejected, and then the whole cat’s life was bad.

The cat at home was rejected in courtship, and the whole cat is in bad shape. Master: Being fat will ruin everything, and it will be upon himself.

I said that this guy didn’t come to me for food as usual today. It turned out that he was out of love! He has been lying on the window of the balcony door, looking like he is dying. Isn't it just a loss of love? Isn't that what it is?

The cat at home was rejected for courtship, and the whole cat is in bad shape. Master: Being fat will ruin everything, and you will bring it upon yourself

After a while, this guy actually shed tears on my face. Oops, this is the first time I have seen our cat owner so sad, but who can blame me! If you look like this, who will like you?

As the saying goes, being fat ruins everything. This is true for humans and cats. Master, if you want to regain your confidence, can we start tomorrow?If you start losing weight today, should you eat less? But although the cat owner is very sad now, I think it will be even more sad if he loses weight.