The rope that protected it became its greatest harm. It was so skinny that it no longer wanted to be close to humans.

Pet News

As we all know, unlike dogs that became pets through artificial domestication, cats entered people’s lives through self-domestication. Therefore, in terms of personality, cats are also more self-centered. Anyone who has ever owned a cat should have a similar feeling. In many cases, cats basically do not regard poop scrapers as their masters. More often, to a cat, they are more like masters. And this kind of character is destined to not like to be restrained by others, nor do they like to accept artificial training.

image.pngThe rope that protects it has become its biggest injury. The skinny bird no longer wants to be close to humans.

Therefore, in real life, different from the reasons for stray dogs, a large part of cats actually sneak out of the house because of them. Reluctance to go home is what makes them become stray animals. It is precisely for this reason that many cat owners who have experience raising cats will give advice on sealing doors and windows as soon as possible when faced with novice cat owners. At the same time, most cat owners do not take their cats out for walks as frequently as they do dog walkers.

The rope that protects it has become its greatest harm. It is as skinny as a stick and no longer wants to be close to humans.

Even if some cat owners want to take them out, considering factors such as civilized pet raising, they usually take them out in cat bags. Very few people tie them on a leash and take them outdoors. After all, although the cat bag is not so free, it can at least prevent them from accidentally getting lost. Because most cat owners know that once cats are lost, they will not be able to find their way home like dogs and are willing to return to their former home...

However, for some people, a cat that may be pampered in every possible way may mean a trouble for others. Especially as cats of various breeds appear frequently in people's lives, people's cherishment of them will also increase as their number increases.reduce. Therefore, when people no longer cherish them, the causes of stray cats will increase, and the number of stray cats will also increase. The emergence of a large number of stray cats will gradually affect people's daily lives, making more and more people dissatisfied, and harm will follow...

There is a man who often rescues stray animals. A kind-hearted little brother, this little brother received a message asking for help from a local netizen. Netizens informed me that there was a suspected injured and emaciated stray cat near their community. Because the condition of this cat is so bad and it makes people feel very distressed to see it, many people are also very worried about its condition, and some people also want to feed it some food. However, I don’t know if it is because this cat has been hurt in the past. The cat always has a lot of resistance to people approaching it, which also causes many people to not dare to approach it easily, let alone take it away. .

When netizens were in a dilemma, they accidentally learned that my brother often rescued injured stray animals in the local area, so they tried to contact him. After receiving the request for help from a netizen, the guy who confirmed the cat’s condition immediately rushed to where the cat was based on the address provided by the netizen. After arriving at the scene, the little brother quickly found the particularly thin stray cat. And near the cat, I also saw some food left for it by well-wishers. However, for some unknown reason, this stray cat just curled up in the corner and watched its surroundings vigilantly in the face of everyone's kindness...

Seeing the cat being so wary, the little brother wanted to gain the cat's trust as soon as possible. , and quickly took out a cat strip, preparing to gain the cat's trust. However, when faced with the cat strips that the brother was approaching, this cat not only did not eat the cat strips as eagerly as other stray cats, but instead immediately exploded its hair, showed its fangs, and kept roaring, full of alertness. posture. No matter how much the little brother tried to comfort him, the cat still looked very frightened. Seeing the cat like this, the little brother had no choice but to take out the cat trap, and then after the cat entered the trap, he took it to the pet hospital.

The rope that protects it has become its greatest harm. It is as skinny as a stick and no longer wants to be close to humans.

After arriving at the pet hospital, the cat’s mood was still unable to stabilize. In desperation, in order to untie it as soon as possible, the little brother could only ask the pet doctor to Depending on the cat's condition, anesthetize it. After the cat fell into a deep sleep, the leash that was firmly embedded in its flesh was successfully cut off and taken out. However, when I took out the rope, because the rope was already longOnce it reached the meat, the pet doctor still spent a lot of effort to succeed. After taking out the rope, the pet doctor conducted a more detailed examination of the cat's condition.

The subsequent examination results showed that the cat was not only severely malnourished, but its immune system had also collapsed, and its white blood cells were also very low. At the same time, the place where the rope was untied was severely suppurated due to infection of the sore. This also made the pet doctor secretly thankful after checking the cat's condition that the little brother was able to find it in time and bring it to the pet hospital. Because, according to the estimation of the pet doctor, if it were one week later, even if the little brother found it and took it to the pet hospital, the doctors would be unable to do anything...

Furthermore, the pet doctor also told the little brother Brother, although there is still a certain chance that the cat can be successfully treated at this time, considering the current state of the cat, they cannot guarantee that the cat will eventually be able to recover and return to its normal state. And I also know that the cat’s situation is not that optimistic. Therefore, after discussing the follow-up treatment plan with the pet doctor, I decided to keep it in the pet hospital first, so as to ensure that it receives the most reasonable treatment in time. Treatment. And this is all the little brother can do. Whether the cat can survive in the end depends on the will of the cat...