The uncle bought back a dog for NT$4,000 three years ago, but the more he kept it, the worse it became.

Pet News

With the demise of the Tibetan Mastiff myth, people have become much more cautious about the price of dogs. However, when people meet a dog they like, many people will still spend a lot of money to buy them home. However, there is great uncertainty in this kind of love, especially for those dogs whose breeds are relatively difficult to determine and have certain characteristics. Sometimes, because of these characteristics, their worth doubles and they become popular dogs. . However, such dogs are generally difficult to be found by people in their childhood, and there is great uncertainty. Therefore, people will always find out inadvertently that they heard that some people bought a dog at a very low price. As a result, there are rumors that they will make a lot of money after raising it.

Uncle bought a dog for 4,000 3 years ago, but the more he kept it, the worse it became.

The uncle ran away immediately when he saw the dog. Go to the dogs

However, such situations are still relatively rare after all. In many cases, if there are some relatively good puppies, those who make a living from this or feed dogs for a long time will generally They can find them faster and take them away, but as long as there is such a legend, some people will inevitably try their luck in the dog market for profit, hoping that the next lucky one will be themselves. And this is also an important factor why some people choose to raise these dogs...

Uncle bought a dog 3 years ago for 4,000, but the more he kept it, the worse it got.< /p>

The uncle picked up the dog.

However, when faced with reality, many people often lose everything. Not only did they spend a lot of money, but at the same time, It also consumed a lot of time and energy. However, too many people always hold on to a little fantasy and label themselves as the next lucky one with great expectations, but in the end, they are disappointed, and the ones who are hurt are often the dogs they take back, because, many times , once these dogs do not live up to their expectations, they will often be ruthlessly sent to dog meat restaurants after being raised...

Uncle bought a dog 3 years ago for 4,000, but the more he kept it, the worse it became.

This dog keeps its tail between its legs and looks at the road

However, lucky people actually exist, but these lucky people Sometimes the cost may far exceed the benefits they can reap. Especially when these dog breeds cannot be accepted by most cities, it is even more impossible to rely on breeding to bring benefits to oneself. Therefore, many times, such a dog can only become a talking point when one shows off. A young man in Shaanxi heard that a local uncle was lucky enough to meet a strange dog when he was fishing by the river. Dog.

The uncle stretched out his hand and asked the dog to shake his hand

According to the younger brother, when he was about to go home in embarrassment because he had not caught any fish, he heard that there was a local An uncle bought a puppy 3 years ago for 4,000 yuan. However, the puppy became more and more wrong after that. Because the size of the puppy was obviously not like the common local dog breeds, the size was also different. It is very big. Some people even say that it may stand taller than a person and looks very fierce. Therefore, this dog has attracted the attention of many people. So, the little brother was curious and wanted to go View.

Uncle bought a dog for 4000 3 years ago, but the more he keeps it, the worse it gets

The dog shakes hands with the uncle

Coincidentally, when the little brother was packing his things and going to the uncle's house to check on the dog, he unexpectedly learned that the uncle happened to be at the scene, so the little brother asked the uncle to take him with him. Go and see his dog. When he went to the place where the uncle raised the dog, maybe he was afraid that the little brother would be scared. The uncle also specifically told the little brother that the dog was very obedient to him, so that the little brother didn’t have to worry too much. . And with the uncle’s repeated assurances, the younger brother followed the uncle to the place where he raised the dog.

The uncle cleaned the dog’s hair

Just watched When he got to the dog, the little brother discovered that the dog was even stronger than the uncle. When the uncle saw it, he immediately rushed to it and picked it up. The dog seemed to be quite docile. , and did not resist. Then, when the little brother asked the uncle what skills the dog could do, the uncle said that it could also shake hands and so on. Seeing that the dog was indeed a little different, the little brother then asked the uncle,He was willing to sell the dog for any price, but the uncle said that the dog was not for sale and he would not sell it even if he was given 10,000 yuan.

Uncle bought a dog for 4,000 3 years ago, but the more he kept it, the worse it became.

The dog squatted next to the uncle

Afterwards, the uncle also told the younger brother that he bought this dog for 4,000 yuan three years ago. It is a female dog. However, he has never bred it for such a long time. On weekdays, it is mainly fed rice and meat. As for the breed of dog, according to the uncle, it is a "black wolf". Moreover, the uncle also said that the barking of this dog is different from other dogs on weekdays. If it barks, it is a bit like a wolf howling, and it is also accompanied by the movement of raising its head, which looks a bit like a wolf... After saying that, the uncle carefully tidied the dog's hair. It can be seen from his words that he really likes this dog...

The dog always stays by the uncle's side


Since this was the first time I saw this kind of dog, I felt a little strange and posted the dog’s situation on the Internet, and netizens also had their own opinions on the dog’s situation. Different guesses. Some people think that this dog is a cross between a black wolf dog and a horse dog, but some netizens think that it should be a wolf green, and suggest that I don’t touch it, because it is very docile and obedient to its owner, but it is very docile to strangers. It is extremely fierce, but some netizens believe that this is an authentic black horse dog, but others say it is a horse dog, Kunming Wolf Blue Dog, and some even saw it with its tail attached, so they thought it was a wolf...