To prevent the dog from slipping while walking, the scavenger shaved off the dog's paws. The dog's expression was too aggrieved.

Pet News

Many people now have pets at home, and most families choose dogs and cats among these pets. The cute appearance of dogs makes more and more people fall in love with them. Got it. But I don’t know if you have noticed that even people who often raise dogs seldom focus on their paws. They only know that there are a lot of hairs on them, which look very cute, but little do they know that these hairs are very important to them. It is not a very good thing because it often affects many things in dogs. Now let me tell you a story about the trouble they had when their claw hair was too long! In order to prevent the dog from slipping while walking, the poop scraper shaved the dog's paws. The dog's expression was too aggrieved.

To prevent the dog from slipping when walking, the poop scraper shaved off the dog's paws, and the dog's expression was too aggrieved.

A netizen has a very cute golden retriever. Since it was just born, the fur on its body is not very long, but its short and fluffy fur is It looks even cuter, so it can make netizens cute no matter what it does, which also makes netizens particularly like it. Later, as the dog slowly grew up, the hair on its body became longer and longer, but because netizens liked its plush appearance, they did not help it clean its hair. But at the same time, netizens discovered that its previously hairless paws had grown a lot of fur, making it look very cute. This made netizens especially like to grab its paws and play with them when nothing happened.

Until one day, a netizen discovered something strange to her, that is, during this period of time, she found that when the dog was walking, it would move at every turn. There was slipping, and the walking posture was particularly unnatural. At first she thought the floor was too slippery, causing it to slip when walking, but later she discovered that even when walking on rough ground, it would fall down at every turn. This let the netizen know that it was not the road surface, so she went to check the bottom of its paws to see if there was any problem. However, after checking, she found that there was no problem with the bottom of the paws. At this time, netizens were particularly confused and worried about whether there was something abnormal about their dog.

To prevent the dog from slipping when walking, the poop scavenger shaved off the dog's paws, the dog's expression was too aggrieved

Later, after observing for several days, she discovered that the reason why the dog was slipping was because of the hair on its paws. There were too many and too long, which affected its walking, so after netizens finally knew the reason, they immediately took it to the pet store to clean the hair on its paws. To prevent the dog from slipping when walking, the poop shovel officer The dog's paws are all shaved, and the dog's expression is too aggrieved, as if he is asking: "Poop shoveler, why are you shaving someone else's hair!" "Same. But its paws after trimming are also very cute, which made the netizens standing aside laugh! In order to prevent the dog from slipping when walking, the poop scraper shaved all the dog's paws. The dog's expression was too Grieved; what do you think?